Since/As people have different interests and hobbies, the TV programs they like vary.
2.新政府在缩减教育预算。(cut back)
The new government is cutting back on the education budget.
解析:(cut back on削减,缩减…。)
3.水对我们来说是不可缺少的,在重要性上仅次于氧。(next to)
Water is essential to us, next only to oxygen in importance.
解析:(next to仅次于。)
4.工厂倒闭是因为产品订单剧减。(due to)
The factory’s closure is due to a sharp decline in orders for products.
解析:(due to由于,因为。“工厂倒闭\\
5.大约两亿年前,南极洲曾生长着茂密的树木和雨林类植物。(forest with)
About two hundred million years ago,Antarctica was densely forested with trees and rainforest—typeplants.
解析:(该句需注意对数词“两亿”的翻译,即two hundred million。对于“南极洲曾生长着……”,并不能把“南极洲”直接作为主语来翻译,因此可采用被动形式翻译为be fores—ted with。)
在找工作的过程中,有面试,就有曙光。面试的成功与否,除了面试官如何看你的条件及个人素质外,主要取决于他们如何评价你在面试中总的表现。【T1】大多数人在面试中处于被动地位,竭尽全力回答提出的任何问题。(passive version)一种更好的方法是控制局面,给面试官提供你想给他们的信息,而不是他们想从你这儿发现的信息;使他们有信心,绝对相信你是能胜任这项工作的人选,让他们几乎没有理由相信你不能胜任。【T2】信心不仅仅来自你做出的回答,也产生于你的外表以及你在回答中所表现出来的热情、精力、个人品质和雄心壮志。(show in your answers)大多数面试者没能得到工作的主要原因就是他们没能使面试官对他们产生信心。【T3】他们败下阵来并非他们没有资格做这项工作,而是他们没能在面试中表现出自信。(not because…but because)他们的自我推销做得还不够,大多数人之所以这样是因为他们在面试时很紧张。【T4】如果几次面试后都没有得到工作,不少人会觉得自己是失败者并变得更为焦虑。(fail to get)不要想自己是否会得到这份工作。【T5】只需专心参加面试,并竭尽所能,你就一定会找到工作。(concentrate on)
Most interviewees are in the passive position and try their best to answer all the questions in the interviews.
解析:(题目中的提示passive position意为“被动地位”,前面接be动词作句子谓语和介词in。竭尽全力译为“try one’s best to do sth.”。)
Confidence not only shows in your answers,but also from your appearance and your enthusiasm,energy,personal quality and ambition.
解析:(show in your answers即“在你的回答中展现出来”,可以用“信心”confidence做主语。热情enthusiasm;精力energy;个人品质personal quality;雄心壮志ambition。)
They failed not because they can’t do the job well,but because they didn’t show their confidence during the interview.
解析:(not because…but because…即“不是因为……而是因为……”,中间要用逗号隔开,分别连接两个独立句子。)
If they fail to get the job after each interview,many people will feel that they are losers and become more anxious.
解析:(fail to get sth.意为“没有成功得到……”,这里指没有得到工作。失败者即“loser”。焦虑anxious,属于形容词。)
You only need to concentrate on interview and try your best,you naturally can get the job.
解析:(concentrate on意为“集中精力做某事”,后面也可以接名词,这里后面接interview。“一定会”可以用副词naturally,意为“自然而然地”。)