There is no doubt that people can live a much easier life with the help of computers.
解析:此题考点是句型There is no doubt…。
It is a well-known fact that the development of a country depends on the quality of the younger generation.
解析:此题考点是句型It is a well-known fact that…和词组depend on。
3.那儿的人现在吃一顿饭得比过去多花三、四倍的钱。(as much as)
People there must now pay four or five times as much as they used to pay for a dinner.
4.直到我们离开学校或大学,才开始了解教育给我们的无穷机会,而学校教育也已不再。(It is…that)
It is only when we left school or college that we began to understand that education had given us countless opportunities,which have now gone forever.
解析:(“直到…才/只有…才”可以译为only when。“学校教育”出现了两次,第二次可以用which引导。)
5.在社交网络上张贴自己的照片现在已经成了一种新的时尚。(new fad)
It has become a new fad nowadays to post photos of our own on social networks.
解析:(new fad新时尚,新风尚。post作动词时表示“张贴;公布”。social networks社交网络。it作形式主语,也可直接用动名词形式做主语。)
人类自有文化就有文化交流。【T1】人类文化从整体来说是各国、各民族文化会聚、交流的产物。(taken as a whole)现代国际间的文化交流更是以空前的规模、内容、形式和手段在直接间接地进行着。对外开放成了我国长期坚持不变的基本国策,这就为我们的国际文化交流开辟了更为广阔的前景。【T2】我们向世界各国借鉴一切我们有益的东西用以建设自己的物质文明和精神文明。(make use of)同时我们又向各国人民介绍他们所感兴趣的事物。【T3】相互交流增进了理解和友谊促进科学文化的共同发展。(promote)世界已非马可-波罗时代。从上海飞去东京只需两个多小时,相当于从杭州到北京的时间。【T4】从中国去地球另一端的美国,也能在日历上的同一天到达。(the same day of the calendar)昔日遥远的地理距离,被现代科学技术一下缩短到令人难以置信的程度。这是人类文明进步的共同成果。【T5】中国和外国的历史经验都一再证明:文化需要交流。(the historical experience)只有交流,才能相互学习,相互了解;只有交流,才能共同去促进人类智慧向着一座又一座高峰发展,并共同享用其成果。
Taken as a whole,human culture is the product of cultural merging and exchange between all peoples and nations.
解析:(taken as a whole意为“从整体上看”。文化融合,即cultural merging。)
We’ll make use of beneficial things from other countries to build our spiritual and material civilizations.
解析:(make use of意为“借鉴”。物质文明和精神文明,可翻译为spiritual and material,文明即“civilization”。)
This exchange will help increase understanding and friendship and promote joint development in science and cuhure.
解析:(“增进理解”翻译为“increase understanding”。共同的可译为“joint”。)
When flying from China to the United States,the other side of the earth,you can arrive on the same day of the calendar.
解析:(“日历上的同一天”,即“the same day of the calendar”。)
The historical experiences of both China and other countries have proved again and again that culture needs exchanges.
解析:(“历史经验”为“historical experiences”。“一再”可翻译为“again and again”。)