1.An animator has to build up his or her work frame by frame. Each film takes a very long time to make, and so ______ are essential to see the project through to the end.(D)
A. research and development
B. continuity and relaxation
C. diversions and rewards
D. dedication and commitment
2.When I first arrived here to take up my new job, I stayed in a hotel, but I soon started looking for a permanent ______, a place to ______ my own.(A)
A. residence; call
B. accommodation; refer
C. household ; be
D. habitation ; say
解析:句意:当我刚来这开始我的新工作时,我住在旅馆,但不久后,我就开始在找一个能长久居住并且属于我自己的地方。residence住宅。accommodation在美式英语中用作复数形式,意为“住宿,膳宿”。household一家人,家庭,家族。habitation住所,指长久或固定的住所或居住地,属于正式用语。“a place call my own”的含义是“我自己的地方”。
3.Over the past few years, first radio, and now television, have shown the ______ public, who are after all the electorate, what in fact ______ when government bills are discussed and questions are asked.(C)
A. average; turns up
B. ordinary; comes up
C. general; goes on
D. normal; lets on
解析:句意:在过去的数年中,先是广播,现在是电视,向公众,也就是选民,展示了政府议案的讨论过程和问题的处理过程。general public公众,为固定搭配。go on发生,依靠,接近。turn up到场,发生。come up(with)想出,提出。let on泄露。
4.Ray: Have you met the new boss yet? David: No, tell me–what’s he like? Ray: Well, I met him this morning and my first impression was very positive. ______. and I hear he’s got a great sense of humor. David : That’s great!(A)
A. He came across as very pleasant
B. He has a large office
C. He seems very unfriendly
D. He’s not very sharp
解析:come across走过来。横线前一句为“我对他的第一印象非常良好”,因此紧接着谈“他非常愉悦地走过来”符合会话语境。
5.You have managed to bungle every task I’ve given you so far. ______, I am prepared to give you one last chance.(C)
A. Overall
B. Regardless
C. Nevertheless
D. Furthermore
6.Westinghouse is close to completing its transformation into ______ with the sale of its power-generation business to Siemens of Germany for $1.53 billion.(A)
A. a media company
B. the company’s media
C. the company media
D. mass media’s company
解析:transform into转型为某一类…,其后一般接表类别的泛指性名词。不定冠词a,an加名词,表泛指的某一类。句意:Westinghouse广播公司将接近完成转型而成为一家具有销售能力的传媒公司:其对德国西门子公司的业务额就达15.3亿美元。
7.Ginger, pepper, cinnamon and some other aromatic flavours might be used for seasoning meat and fish, ______ was particularly important when there were no refrigerators.(D)
A. that
B. what
C. there
D. which
8.Many old houses are being demolished to ______ new buildings and parking lots.(D)
A. give rise to
B. bring forth
C. provide for
D. make room for
解析:句意:许多老房子都被拆卸,以便为新的建筑和停车场腾出地方。make room for是固定的说法,意思是“给…腾出地方”。give rise to引起,导致。provide for供给,为…作准备。
9.The ______physicist has been challenged by many people in his field.(A)
A. respected
B. respectful
C. respective
D. respect