Scientists have cured color blindness in monkeys using gene therapy.
As well as allowing color-blind humans to tell red from green, the innovative technique could restore sight to the blind.
1.What is the most common cause of blindness in the elderly?
Age-related macular degeneration.
2.What technique is used to cure colour blindness in monkeys?
Gene therapy.
3.What does \\
The color-detector cells at the back of the eye.
4.Why do scientists believe the technique will work on people?
Because the monkeys were injected with a human gene/a human gene was used to cure the monkeys.
5.What does Cathy Yelf say about the technique’ s practical application?
It is still some way off.
解析:(最后一段引用了Cathy Yelf对于基因疗法的看法:它的实际应用还有很长一段路要走。)
Rifts were already opening up in the G20 as China hit out at Britain and the US for demanding that China boost its imports of foreign goods. A senior official from the People\’s Republic said it was not appropriate in a \\
6.At a briefing to reporters, Yu Jianhua said that China is affected most by__.
7.Britain and the USA want China to help the world economy by______.
bolstering its domestic demand and increasing imports/buying more goods from them
解析:(第三段第一句提到:英美希望中国bolster its domestic demand“扩大内需”,increases imports“增加进口”,来重新促进世界经济的平衡。)
8.According to this report, what Americans are concerned most about now is______.
bolstering savings and repaying them debts
解析:(第三段第二句指出:美国消费者不再是the primary engines of global demand“世界需求的领头羊”,其原因是他们忙于储蓄和还债。)
9.It is extremely difficult for the G20 nations to achieve a consensus because global bodies it has have no ability to______ .
dictate economic policy to members
10.What French president Nicolas Sarkozy and other European leaders were seeking was a set monetary limit to______.
bonus payments
解析:(第六段最后一句提到法国总统萨科奇及其他一些欧洲国家领导人正寻求a set monetary limit“一组设定的货币限额”,而整段所讨论的核心及这一限额的对象为bonus payments“奖金”,这在该段第一句就提到了。)
Getting a cold or catching the flu is a common complaint for people every year. In fact, people usually catch between two and five colds a year. No one enjoys the accompanying symptoms : the sore throat, runny nose, constant sneezing and headaches. Not surprisingly, cold medications have become a big business. People spend billions of dollars to combat this recurring problem. We see the number and variety of over-the-counter medicines each lime we enter a pharmacy. People estimate that, if you combine consume,\\
11.It is very difficult to find an effective cure for the common cold.(A)
解析:通篇讨论的是common cold“普通感冒”的症状及对有效治愈方法的寻求。第二、三段分别指出加大治愈难度的两大原因:1)感冒不是由一种病毒造成,共有200多种病毒可能造成感冒;2)病