1.Creativity is available to everyone and it only differs in______between genius and ordinary people.
解析:(由第一段可知,普通人身上也有艺术家和科学家所具备的创造性。但根据最后部分…finding little gradation in genius…the Sistine Chapel ceiling or nothing可知,这种创造性也是分等级的,而普通人和天才的区分便在于他们处于创造性的不同等级。)
2.Ordinary people’s awe of creativity stops them from risking and taking______.
full responsibility for themselves
解析:(根据第三段第一句可知,人们对creativity的敬畏使得他们不敢尝试自我创造。且最后一句what we need to do instead is assume full responsibility for ourselves表明人们应该对自己全权负责,不应因某种敬畏而停滞不前。)
3.______can help us reaccess, stimulate and develop our repressed creativity.
Life experiences
解析:(根据第四段…our creativity…it call be reaccessed,stimulated,and developed through lifeexperiences可知,被压抑的创造力可以通过感受生活得以释放、积累和发展。)
4.It is hard to define creativity because everybody’s experience of creativity is______.
unique and individual
解析:(根据第五段第一句可知,创造力没有一个完整的定义,因为每个人关于它的感受都是so unique and individual。)
5.In order to live creatively, it is important that we have______.
解析:(根据最后一段第一句A major key—perhaps the key—to living creatively is passion…可知,保持创造力最重要的是保有热情passion。)
6.What will be the sacrifices to gain the 25% increase in density in a typical provincial city?
Reduction of the size of the houses and substitution of parking spaces for garages.
解析:(根据文中第一段第一句可知,空间密度增加25%时,虽不用改变街道布局,但it would be necessary to reduce the size of the houses and substitute parking spaces for garages,即减小房间的大小和替换停车场所便是需要做出的牺牲。)
7.What is the main reason why people tend to live in smaller dwellings at higher densities?
Shortage of money.
解析:(第四段第一句提到有些人without economic choice就会选择这种居住方式,由此可知人们居住在小空间高密度的主要原因是经济条件拮据,即shortage of money。)
8.What is the significance of enough living space?
It helps develop the individual and maintain family equilibrium.
解析:(由第五段Space for independent activity is important in developing the individual and inmaintaining family equilibrium可知,足够大的空间对个人发展以及家庭维稳都有重要作用。)
9.Why do many old ladies prefer to continue to live in their family home?
It has their familiar surroundings and memories.
解析:(第六段的例子中,老太太们不愿意离开自己的家去集中住在一起是因为那里有theirfamiliar surroundings and。most importantly,with their memories即她们舍不得那里熟悉的环境和美好的回忆。)
10.What is the fatal flaw of the urban housing option mentioned in the last paragraph?
Lack of a reasonable prospect of profit on the capital at risk in a housing project.
解析:(最后一段提到这种城市住房计划存在一个严重的flaw,因为房地产开发商追求的是areasonable prospect of profit on the capital,而这项计划并没有使他们看到利润的影子,所以他们不会愿意冒险投资的。)
11.The passage covers two kinds of radiation, background radiation and artificial radiation.(A)
解析:(由文章第一段可知,本文介绍的辐射主要分为两类:background radiation以及artificialradiation。)
12.When a small group of cells survive a radiation dose, they definitely won’t result in the disability of people.(B)