1. Perhaps you’ve temporarily misplaced your cellphone and anxiously retraced your steps to try to find it. Or perhaps you never let go of your phone — it’s always in your hand, your pocket, or your bag, ready to be answered or consulted at a moment’s notice. When your battery life runs down at the end of the day, you feel that yours is running low as well. New research shows that there’s a psychological reason for such extreme phone dependence: According to the attachment theory, for some of us, our phone serves the same function as the teddy bear we clung to in childhood. According to this theory, our early life experiences, with parents responsible for our wellbeing, are at the root of our attachment to the adults with whom we form close relationships. Importantly, attachment in early life can extend to inanimate objects. Teddy bears, for example, serve as \\
或许你只是一时把手机放错了地方,便心急如焚地掉头寻找。或许你已机不离身,电话不是在手上,就是在口袋里或包里,以便随时查阅或回复。或许一天下来,手机电量不足,你自己也感到精疲力尽。新的研究表明,这种对手机的极度依赖可以用心理学来解释。依恋理论认为,对于某些人而言,手机的作用和儿时紧抱着的泰迪熊一样。根据这一理论,孩时我们的健康幸福都依赖父母,这是我们依恋与自己形成亲密关系的成年人的根本原因。重要的是,这种早年的依恋心理可以延伸到无生命的物体上。如泰迪熊就充当了依恋延伸的“过渡性物体”。与父母不同的是,泰迪熊总能在我们身边。我们把对父母的依赖延伸到这些玩具动物身上,利用它们帮助自己形成独立的自我意识。科学家们提出,手机可能会成为“依恋补偿品”。尽管手机常因可能让人上瘾而饱受诟病,但科学家们言之有据地指出: “健康、正常的成年人也会对特殊物体表现出强烈的情感依恋。”
解析: 第一段可划分为两部分,首先描述手机依赖症的外部表现,使用第二人称(you,your,yours)娓娓道来,再现读者熟悉的场景,口吻亲切,拉近了与读者的心理距离。接下来基于情感依赖理论,分析手机依赖症的内部心理成因,指出手机与泰迪熊一样,可以起到情感依赖“补偿物”的作用。该部分换用第一人称(we,us,our)形成了内心的亲近感。两部分人称代词出现频率都很高,第一部分共使用11次第二人称代词,第二部分共计使用10次第一人称代词。
2. There are many countries around the world adopting the principle of sustainable development. When put into practice, it helps combat environmental deterioration in air quality, water quality and terrestrial control. At the same time, its practice maintains habitat diversity, and it also helps improve poverty situations, controls over consumption and improves health and education. Finally, sustainable development promotes viable roles for all members of society, while improving the economic situation of developing countries. But some people argue that the use of the principles of sustainable development in developing countries overlooks the importance of local customs, traditions and people. Some other people believe that sustainable development is a vague term, and that some organizations use it to further their own interests, whether those interests are environmental or economic in nature. Countries that have relatively small, uncompetitive productive sectors tend to implement protectionist policies. Whereas interdependence is desirable during times of peace, war necessitates competition and independence. Tariffs and importation limits strengthen a country’s economic vitality while potentially weakening the economies of its enemies. Moreover, protectionism in the weapons industry is highly desirable during such circumstances because reliance on another state for armaments can be fatal.
For the most part, economists emphasize the negative effects of protectionism. It reduces internat