1. 在古罗马,柱子是按照人的比例划分的;到了文艺复兴时期,人就是世界上最美好的尺度。今天的中国城市里,裁弯取直的河渠,向四面八方扩张的交通,膨胀硕大的以便于接纳更多商业行为的城市广场与建筑立面,都在告诉人们建设背后的权力与资本才是审美标准。直到有一天。回过头来看到自己的孩子站在为车辆交通铺开的、满是尘土的路上,我们才发现,城市的大,却容不下一个让孩子们展开笑颜的机会。
As early as in ancient Rome, columns were designed in proportion to the human body. When it came to the Renaissance, human was celebrated as the finest measure that had ever appeared in the world.
By now, in Chinese cities, however, the aesthetic values of construction are measured by power and capital behind the construction projects—the shortcut rivers, widespread traffic arteries, the ever-expanding city squares and outer space of buildings that accommodates more commercial activities—all reveal the same truth.
One day, looking back, we may find it ironic that the bustling and dusty roads of our huge cities, which may be convenient for traffic, are hard for our children standing amid them to have delighted expressions.
解析: 本文节选自卢思岚的《城市的迷失》,刊于《南风窗》。本文谈及现代城市发展的尴尬以及人们在生活中所面临的困境,视角新颖,内容发人深省。翻译时既要注意语义上的“信”,同时也要注意语篇上的“顺”。
2. 当我在小学毕了业的时候,亲友一致的愿意我去学手艺,好帮助母亲。我晓得我应当去找饭吃,以减轻母亲的勤劳困苦。可是,我也愿意升学。我偷偷地考入了师范学校——制服,饭食,书籍,宿处,都由学校供给。只有这样,我才敢对母亲提升学的话。入学,要交十元的保证会。这是一笔巨款!母亲作了半个月的难,把这巨款筹到,而后含泪把我送出门去。她不辞劳苦,只要儿子有出息。当我由师范毕业,而被派为小学校长,母亲与我都一夜不曾合眼。我只说了句!“以后,您可以歇一歇了!”她的回答只有一串串的眼泪。
However, I would also like to further my study, so without telling my mother, I took the exam and was admitted to a normal school where all expenses including uniforms, meals, books and accommodation were provided by the school.
It was only under this condition that I dared to break the news to my mother.
Yet I had to hand in 10 Yuan as deposit for enrollment, which was a huge sum of money to us then.
For about two weeks, Mother suffered much and finally managed to raise the money, and then she sent me off to school with tears in her eyes.
So far as I, the son, could win a bright future, Mother would spare no pains.
On the day when I was appointed as the headmaster of a primary school after graduation, Mother and I did not sleep a wink all night.
All I could say was, \\
解析: 本文节选自老舍的散文《我的母亲》。本文的语言朴实直白,生活气息浓郁。因此,翻译时不仅要注意忠实于原文的意思,还要忠实地再现原文的语言风格,避免用过于晦涩的词汇和复杂的句子结构,应该用平实的语句表达出原文的精神面貌。同时,本文句式简短、零散,翻译时可整合句意,多利用合译和增加适当的逻辑关联词,以避免译文过于松散。
3. 九月新生进校,我又看见许多父母的脸。送儿女来上学的以父亲居多,有些是父母同来,父母们本来千差万别的脸,个人化特征在此时得到淡化而呈现出相同的气质;劳碌、疲惫,初到异地的怯懦,和谨慎,以及惟恐儿女吃亏的心态。那样长而累人的旅途,那样繁琐耗人的手续,太能磨蚀人的锐气了。18岁的孩子跟在父母身后,满校园地跑,每办一项手续都得走很多路,问很多人,父母到处陪着笑脸。
It’s mostly the male parents who take their children to college. Sometimes both parents come. The highly personalized faces which usually differ in a thousand and one ways fade at this moment into each other, and display the same look: fatigue, exhaustion, the timidness and cautiousness of a new comer, and fear that their offspring might be treated unfairly.
Such long and exhausting journeys over here! So many complicated and time-consuming procedures! They corrode people’s elan.
Close on the heels of their parents, eighteen-year-old youngsters shuffle from place to place in campus. To go through one formality, they have to walk long distances and ask many questions of many people, and their parents have to smile politely all the time.
解析: 本文刊登在《扬子晚报》副刊,作者是麦琪。作者以独特的描写视角和表达方式,为读者描绘了一篇新生报到的全景画。文章也有催人泪落之效。本文文学味浓,描述性强,难度较大。选段部分为作者常年观