1.If our cooperators achieve from the first step,they will look forward to ________.(B)
A. having goods
B. making progress
C. being made progress
D. process
解析:本句意为“如果我们的合作伙伴从第一步开始就进展顺利的话,他们将期待________”。look forward to表示“期望,期盼”,to是介词,后接名词或动名词。make progress“取得进展”,根据句意可知,应为主动形式。
2.CulTent accounts for export trade shall be detailed ________.(A)
A. and reasonable
B. and value
C. without reasons
D. or invalid
Web art has been“accepted”by traditional institutions,critics and thus the general public because it“fits”into our culture and society, a society which has been groomed by postmodern ideals.Thus web art has not been subjected to“cultural limbo”as photography had for a century and a half by the constraints imposed by modernism.
The Dostmodernists embraced the idea that technology, especially reproductive mediums, would radically affect the perception of art.The rejection of traditional notions created a strong affinity towards new genres for postmodernists.The support given by postmodernism to technological art forms has played an important role in redefining the value of web-based mediums today.
The nature of web-based art facilitates this acceptance.The infinite reproducibility of the web art form reaffirms postmodern deconstruction of the“unique existence”of the art object and thus its exuded authoritv and authentic value. Web art has crossed the boundaries of what was once the“irrepmducibility of the aesthetic original”and introduced a world that exists free from the concept of either the original or the copy.Web art also elevates the viewer to the level of interactive creator and thus promote the process of artistic realization. Because of the interactive nature of web art,the viewer has uhimatelv replaced the artist,thus confirming Barthes’theory of“death of the author”.
The existence of web art in a non-physical,temporal realm also contributes to the rejection of the modern value of the spatial art object.The audience understands the virtuality of thistechnology as it pervades daily life oil the net.Finally,the inherent makeup of the Internet as a catalog of information,coded language,and raw data,allows web art to present art as text and equally text as art.The limitless interchangeability of text and web art constitutes the revelation of postmodern theorists that the meaning of art can only be found through the relationship of the“world outside the text that is nevertheless inscribed in the text”.
Postmoderu ideals set forth the current society’s methodology of valuing art and thus new art forms.It is because web art so accurately mirrors the canons of postmodernism.that it is such a favored form in the art wodd.Web art’s acceptance and popularity exist because it is a concept as much as it is a“tool”.Web art,like photography,is an instrument reiterating the values posed bypostmodernists in order to reject traditional mediums.The opposition of tradition powers our society forward to seek out new ways to explain old ideas and explore new questions that pervade our environment.
3.According to the text,photography had been subjected to ________.(C)