A. His face is swollen.
B. Stomatologist.
C. It is painful all the time.
D. It is quite a sharp pain.
解析:由男士所说的“It’s quite a dull pain”可知,男士是隐隐作痛,并不是尖锐的疼。故选D。
A. His face is swollen.
B. The tooth is sensitive to hot.
C. It is painful all the time.
D. It is quite a sharp pain.
解析:由男士所说的“It’s quite a dull pain”可知,男士是隐隐作痛,并不是尖锐的疼。故选D。
A. Infection.
B. Cavity.
C. Caries.
D. None of the above.
解析:由女士的回答“Your tooth is infected”可知,男士的牙齿受到感染了,所以牙痛是由于感染所致。故选A。
A. A week.
B. Blood phlegm.
C. One month.
D. Two days.
解析:由男士的回答“l’ve had it for some time,Doctor”可知,这个症状已有一段时间。故选B。
A. A week.
B. Some time.
C. One month.
D. Two days.
解析:由男士的回答“l’ve had it for some time,Doctor”可知,这个症状已有一段时间。故选B。
A. Asthma.
B. Bronchitis.
C. Lung cancer.
D. Esophagus cancer.
解析:由男士的回答“I’m afraid l might have asthma”可知,病人认为自己得了哮喘。故选A。
A. The pain was sometimes up in his stomach.
B. He had awful pains in his belly.
C. The pain went away when he moved.
D. The pain came and went.
解析:由男士回答“It started last night,up here but this morning it’s here,and it really hurts”和“The pain came and went, and I managed to get a little sleep, but now it’ s really killing me. It’s been here for the past four or five hours”可知,男士提到了对症状的描述,并没有提及移动时,疼痛会消失的情况,而其他三个选项都能在对话中找到相应的描述。故选C。
A. The pain was sometimes up in his stomach.
B. The pain was sometimes down in his belly.
C. The pain went away when he moved.
D. The pain came and went.
解析:由男士回答“It started last night,up here but this morning it’s here,and it really hurts”和“The pain came and went, and I managed to get a little sleep, but now it’ s really killing me. It’s been here for the past four or five hours”可知,男士提到了对症状的描述,并没有提及移动时,疼痛会消失的情况,而其他三个选项都能在对话中找到相应的描述。故选C。
A. He is going to throw something away.
B. He is going to throw himself up to the sky.
C. He is going to be thrown up to the sky.
D. He is going to vomit.
解析:男士所说的“I’m going to throw up all the time”意为“我想一直吐”,throw up意为“呕吐”。故选D。
A. About three months.
B. He’s been having these headaches.
C. Three years.
D. Three mornings.
解析:由男士的回答“it must have been about three months now”可知,疼痛的症状是从三个月前开始的。故选A。
A. About three months.
B. A while in the morning.
C. Three years.
D. Three mornings.
解析:由男士的回答“it must have been about three months now”可知,疼痛的症状是从三个月前开始的。故选A。
A. It’s a kind of dull pain.
B. It’s a kind of throbbing pain.
C. It’s a sort of dull and throbbing pain.
D. When one wakes up the pain stops.
解析:由男士的回答“It’s sort of dull,dull and throbbing kind of pan”可知,这是一种隐约的疼痛和抽搐。故选C。
A. His time was fully occupied.
B. Because he could not stand the intolerable pain in the back.
C. His boss asked him to do extra work.
D. Two tablets of analgesics killed his pain.
解析:由男士的回答“I just took two tablets of analgesics, and yesterday I went to work as usual”可知,他一开始吃了两片止疼药,故可推断止疼药暂时止疼,所以他没有看医生。故选D。