1.•You are a department manager at a large IT company. Next week you are going to Beijing to discuss an important contract.
•Write a note to your assistant:
Saying when you want to leave and return;
Asking him to book flights;
Telling him in which hotel to book a room
•Write 40-50 words on your separate sheet.
Just a quick note to let you know that I’m going to Beijing next month. Could you please book a flight to Beijing on November 12th and the return one on November 15th? Also please book a room for me at the Holiday Inn on Dushun Road in Beijing. Thanks.
2. •You work in the Research and Development (R&D) Department of Giamoto, an automobile company. You have been asked to prepare a proposal to get a sufficient budget for the year 2009. You should write your proposal based on the information about Giamoto and your two competing companies:Northerners and K&L. You have already made some handwritten notes.
•Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your proposal,
•Write 120-140 words.
The purpose of this proposal is to set our R&D budget for 2009, taking into account the market share and R&D investment of our company and our two competitors.
The past three years have seen a virtual standstill in our company’s market share, while Northerners and K&L, our two competitors, have gained 7 and 6 percentage points respectively.
The main cause of this disparity is R&D investment. Our R&D investment growth has been a consewative $1.2 million since 2005, in contrast to K&L’s fivefold increase Of $2 million. Northerners have doubledtheir R&D budget to nearly $4 million, built their own lab and developed sixteen new products; K&L is also planning their first lab.
Therefore, it is recommended that we increase our R&D investment budget by at least 30% in 2009 so as to enhance our competitiveness in the automobile industry.