1.Fewer and fewer of today’s workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field,______the same company.(D)
A. all else
B. much worse
C. less likely
D. let alone
解析:let alone意思是“not to mention”,如:The baby can’t even walk,let alonerun.(婴儿连走都不会,更别说跑了。)all else“所有其他的”,much worse“糟糕得多”,less likely“较少可能”。
2.When he finally emerged from the cave after thirty days, John was______pale.(B)
A. enormously
B. startlingly
C. uniquely
D. dramatically
3.Thank you for applying for a position with our firm. We do not have any openings at this time, but we shall keep your application on______for two months.(D)
A. pile
B. segment
C. sequence
D. file
解析:on file意为“存档”,如:Place a document on file.(把文件存档。)pile意为“一堆”,如:a pile of sand(一堆沙子)。segment意为“部分”,如:The runner wentfaster on the middle segment of the course.(那名赛跑运动员跑到中途时速度更快了。)sequence意为“顺序”,如:in historical sequence(按历史顺序)。
4.It will be safer to walk the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts of cash. Virtually all financial______will be conducted by computer.(A)
A. transactions
B. transmissions
C. transitions
D. transformations
解析:transactions意为“交易”,如:a profitable transaction(有利可图的交易)。transmission意为“传送”,如:the transmission of knowledge(知识的传授)。transition意为“转变”,如:a peaceful transition from disorder to order(由乱到治的和平过渡)。transformation意为“变化”:the social and political transformation of a country(一个国家的社会和政治改革)。这几个词都带有词缀trans一,表示“横穿”,“通过”,“变化”。
5.The______of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence of some physical aspect in the life style of the people.(B)
A. implementation
B. manifestation
C. demonstration
D. expedition
解析:manifestation意为“表现(形式)”,如:His smile was a manifestation of joy.(他的微笑是他高兴的一种表现。)implementation意为“执行”。demonstration意为“展示,示范”,如:a demonstration of a new car(新汽车的示范表演)。expedition意为“(为特定目的而作的)旅行,探险”,如:go on an expedition to the Antarctic(南极探险)。
6.The new technological revolution in American newspapers has brought increased______, a wider range of publications and an expansion of newspaper jobs.(C)
A. manipulation
B. reproduction
C. circulation
D. penetration
解析:四项选择都是以一tion结尾的名词,但意思完全不同。circulation可表示书报的发行量,如:a newspaper with a daily circulation of 500,000(日发行量为50万份的报纸)。可用于本题。manipulation“操作”,reproduction“再生产”,penetration“穿透”均不合题意。
7.Without the friction between their feet and the ground, people would______be able to walk.(C)
A. in no time
B. by all means
C. in no way
D. on any account
解析:in no way意为“决不,一点儿也不”。A项in no time意为“立刻,马上”;B项by all means意为“当然,一定”;D项on any account意为“无论如何”。
8.While typing, Helen has a habit of stopping______to give her long and flowing hair a smooth.(A)
A. occasionally
B. simultaneously
C. eventually
D. promptly
9.One reason for the successes of Asian immigrants in the U. S. is that they have taken great______to educate their children.(B)
A. efforts
B. pains
C. attempts
D. endeavors