1.A man has 29 socks in his drawer, 9 identical blue, 8 identical grey and 12 identical black. The lights have fused and he is completely in the dark. How many socks must he take out to make certain that he has a pair of each colour?(C)
A. 21.
B. 14.
C. 23
D. 24
2.Find a nine – letter word by moving from letter to letter in any direction. Each letter must only be used once.
3.The following is part of a bus timetable. Express buses do not stop at some of the towns between Dawtry and Saresbury.
DAWTRY 07:50 08:30 09:10 09:50
TAMSVILLE 07:59 … … 10:00
BRISTOWN 08:07 08:42 09:27 10:08
JAMCASTER 08:24 08:55 09:27 10:25
SARESBURY 08:33 09:04 09:36 10:33
How much less time does it take to travel on the fastest express bus from Dawtry to Saresbury than it does on a slow(non-express) bus?
17 minutes
4.When David is twice as old as he is now he will be four times as old as his daughter Jane will be in five years time. If in 1990, four years ago, he was four times as old as his daughter, in which year was she born?
In 1983
5.A set of dominoes (多米诺) consists of rectangular (矩形的) tiles each carrying two numbers from 0 to 6 which represented by patterns of spot. Every possible pairing of numbers occurs just once, including each number with itself.
How many dominoes are there in a set?
6.Distribute the remaining numbers 1-7 and 9-12 around the nodes so that each of the six lines of four numbers add up to 26.
7.What’s the phrase that is represented by the picture?
Falling in love.
解析:(字母向下排列组成love,而falling in love“坠入爱河”之意也由图片生动形象地表现出来。)
8.What’s the phrase represented by the following picture?
解析:(图中英文为stance,一共六个字母,4在中间即4 in stance,且4的英文发音为/f
9.Complete the sentence with two different words that sound alike.
10.If ITHOTN(Oscar-winning film)is IN THE HEART OF THE NIGHT, what do the following initials represent?
KOTG(park notice)______
Keep Off the Grass.
解析:(题干中ITHOTN为IN THE HEART OF THE NIGHT的首字母缩写,结合括号中所给提示park notice“公园告示”,可推知KOTG指Keep Off the Grass“不要践踏草地”。)
11.What well-know phrase is suggested by the word picture below?
Cash in hand.
解析:(题目字母组合中HACASHND,单词cash在单词hand之间,因此可得出Cash in hand“库存现金;手头现金”。)
12.Complete the following sequence.
A C A E A G A K A M A ?
13.Television is to the image what radio is to______.(B)
A. th