1.The government slated new elections in the spring, largely as a result of the public clamor.(A)
A. demand
B. view
C. request
D. opinion
解析:本题中,clamor的意思是“大声的要求”。A项“demand(强烈的)要求”符合题意,如:Ives listened to the workers’demand for more money.(艾夫斯听了工人们增加工资的要求。)其他三项“view观点,见解;request请求,(委婉的)要求;opinion意见,看法”都不正确。
2.The most prolific writer is not necessarily the best.(B)
A. written-about
B. productive
C. artful
D. religious
解析:本题中,prolific的意思是“多产的”。B项“productive多产的”符合题意,如:a productive farm(肥沃的农场)。written-about的意是“关于书面的”;artful的意思是“狡猾的”;religious的意思是“虔诚的”,都不正确。
3.Imagine my vexation when they said they would come to dinner and then didn’t show.(C)
A. enlightenment
B. astonishment
C. annoyance
D. contrariness
4.Any troop of wild animals should be approached warily.(D)
A. fearlessly
B. confidently
C. silently
D. prudently
解析:本题中,warily的意思是“小心警惕地”。D项“prudently谨慎地,慎重地”符合题意,如:be modest and prudent(谦虚谨慎)。其他三项“fearlessly勇敢地;confidently信赖地,安心地;silently默默地,静静地”都不正确。
5.There is little learning involved when one is reprimanded two or three months after the deed.(B)
A. recommended
B. reproached
C. recompensed
D. reversed
解析:本题中,reprimand的意思是“斥责,谴责”。B项“reproach责备”符合题意,如:His mother reproached him for his bad manners.(他的母亲责备他礼貌不周。)其他三项“recommend推荐;recompense报偿;reverse翻转”都不正确。
6.Archaeologists are interested in pottery, figurines and other vestiges of ancient civilizations.(A)
A. traces
B. shards
C. products
D. artifacts
解析:本题中,vestiges的意思是“遗迹,痕迹”。A项“traces痕迹,踪迹”符合题意,如:They searched the building but did not find any trace of the criminal.(他们搜查了这座楼房,可是没有发现罪犯的点踪迹。)其他三项“shards(玻璃或陶瓷器皿的)碎片;products产品;artifacts手工艺品”都不正确。
7.Packaging is designed so as to encourage impetuous shopping.(D)
A. extravagant
B. careful
C. impotent
D. impulsive
解析:本题中,impetuous的意思是“冲动的”。D项impulsive“冲动的”符合题意,如:an impulsive action(受时感情所驱使的行动)。其他三项“extravagant奢侈的,浪费的;careful小心的,仔细的;impotent无力的,虚弱的”都不正确。
8.Pan of his general thrift is to be meticulous in verifying monthly expenses.(A)
A. painstaking
B. dilatory
C. meretricious
D. gaudy
解析:本题中,meticulous的意思是“非常仔细的,严谨的,注意细节的”。A项“painstaking仔细的,精心的,用心的”符合题意,如:make pains taking investigations(进行过细的调查)。其他三项“dilatory拖拉的;meretricious俗气的,金玉其外的,虚饰的;gaudy华而不实的,俗丽的”都不正确。
9.The jurors came to a deadlock in the defendant’s trial for murder.(C)
A. a decision of guilty
B. a decision to punish by electrocution
C. an impasse
D. an unusual verdict
解析:本题中,deadlock的意思是“僵局”。C项“impasse僵局”符合题意,如:reached an impasse in the negotiations(谈判过程中陷入了僵局)。其他三项“guilty有罪的;electrocution电刑;verdict裁决,判决”都不正确。
10.Among the lowest of the judicial ranks, justices of the peace nevertheless frequently exercise jurisdiction over a variety of misdemeanors.(C)
A. guidance
B. sovereignty
C. authority
D. suzerainty
解析:本题中,jurisdiction的意思是“权限”。C项“authority职权”符合题意,如:Deputies were given authority to make arrests.(代表们被授予拘捕权。)其他三项“guidance