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1.The interlocutor asks you questions on a number of work-related and non work-related subjects.

The interview (Interlocutor: I, Candidate A, Candidate B: B)

I: What do you do? Do you like to change your job?

A: I changed my job many times. I was a computer programmer,a salesman, and a librarian. And my present job is a boss in charge of a small firm selling oil paintings. A new job is a new experience. I like this feeling.

I: Have you ever changed your work, B?

B: I have been an accountant ever since I graduated from school. I have been in my company for years. The reason why I do not change job is that my company offers me opportunities to develop my career. All staff are outgoing and enterprising. I think our company is very promising.



2.Task Sheet:

Initial Public Offering(IPO):

Your company plans to have its IPO in the Shanghai Stock Market。You have been asked to submit ideas on how to make a successful IPO.

Discuss,and decide together:

• Why is it necessary to make road shows and how to make successful road shows

• Why is it important to make an investigation of the capital market

解析:Initial Public Offering(IPO):

Your company plans to have its IPO in the Shanghai Stock Market.You have been asked to submit ideas on how to make a successful IPO.

Discuss,and decide together:

? Why is it necessary to make road shows and how to make successful road shows.

? Why is it important to make an investigation of the capital market.

Suggested Ideas:

? Why is it necessary to make road shows and how to make successful road shows

It is important to make road shows for the following reasons:

——to publicize corporate information to prospective investors.

——to attract as many prospective investors as possible.

——to pave the way for IPO(Initial Public Offering).

To make successful road shows,it is important to do the following:

——to prepare a PPT presentation for the road shows.This presentation should include true information about the company in the following aspects:

company history(when and where was the company established and by whom),

business scope(what kind of business is the company involved in),

* financial status(registered capital,composition of investment,working capital,annual income and profit,etc.),

* management team(introduction to each member of the management team,their eduction background,work experience,career achievement),

* plan for development and expansion in the near future(usually in the next 5 years).

——to set up a team for the road shows.

——to train presenters for the road shows.and/or to train interpreters for the road shows(if necessary),

——to prepare answers to possible questions to be raised by prospective investors at the road shows.

? Why is it important to make an investigation of the capital market

It is impodant to make an investigation of the capital market for the following reasons:

——to know the current status of the capital market and decide whether it is appropriate time to have the intended IPO,

——to know whether there












