1.Children should always________the same basic procedure: seeing the whole Word—hearing and pronouncing—writing from memory.(A)
A. go through
B. take over
C. respond to
D. carry off
2.Prepared though I was to be impressed by the magnificence of the Grand Canyon, when I actually stood at its brink, I was________by its magnitude scale and grandeur of beauty.(D)
A. numbed
B. inhibited
C. imbued
D. dumbfounded
3.During the________of the rain, she returned home immediately.(C)
A. spin
B. flick
C. lull
D. notch
4.According to the International Law, the United Nations would impose economic________against an invading country.(D)
A. commissions
B. promotions
C. sentences
D. sanctions
5.Although the condition in which she lives indicates that she is miserly, her dedication to the charities shows that she is ________.(D)
A. stingy
B. frugal
C. thrifty
D. generous
6.The technician is________to almost all the tasks, who may even falls asleep on the job.(B)
A. reluctant
B. decreant
C. recuperative
D. recusant
解析:该句的非限定定语从句中even falls asleep暗示前面讲的是“玩忽职守”,所以decreant符合全句的语境。
7.The salt dissolved in the water gradually, finally all that remained was an almost________residue on the bottom of the glass.(B)
A. lumpy
B. imperceptible
C. glassy
D. opaque
8.The world, and not least its 265m Americans, has an________belief in America as the land of the free.(C)
A. unappalled
B. unassuming
C. unwavering
D. unblenched
9.Just as such apparently basic things as rocks, clouds, and clams are, in fact, intricately structured entities, so the self, too, is not an \\(A)
A. a complicated
B. an amorphous
C. an illusory
D. a convoluted
10.When one is unfamiliar with the customs, it is easy to make a ________.(A)
A. blunder
B. blend
C. brawl
D. bland
11.Peter had idolized the professor so much for so long a time that he remained quite________and could not really be himself in her presence.(B)
A. disregarded
B. inhibited
C. heartened
D. pleased
12.Kagan maintains that an infant’s reactions to its first stressful experiences are part of a natural process of development, not harbingers of childhood unhappiness or________signs of adolescent anxiety.(A)
A. prophetic
B. normal
C. typical
D. virtual
13.Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to,________the color of his skin.(A)
A. with the exception of
B. in the light of
C. by virtue of
D. regardless of
14.It is understandable that though adolescent maturational and developmental states occur in an orderly sequence, their timing________with regard to onset and duration.(B)
A. falters
B. varies
C. accelerates
D. dwindles
15.The president of the corporation suggested that the phenomena should be________and analyzed into their smallest parts of elem