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1.How many seats does the soccer stadium have?(B)

A. A. 200.

B. B. 2,000.

C. C. 1,200.

D. D. 120.

解析:原文一开始就提到:This 2,000-seat soccer stadium is powered entirely by green energy.也就是说,这个足球场可以容纳2000人。由于是文章的第一句,考生尤其要集中注意力,不要出现漏听漏记的现象。因此,答案是B。

2.How does the stadium power itself?(C)

A. A. By solar panels.

B. B. By windmills.

C. C. By solar panels and windmills.

D. D. By water power station.

解析:这一题问的是该足球场的电力来源。文章开篇就谈到,该足球场完全利用绿色能源发电。具体而言,20%的电来源于球场顶部的太阳能电池板,剩下的80%来源于全国各地的风力发电站(We make 20 percent of all our electricity here from those panels;the rest we bring in from windmills from around the country)。因此,答案是C。

3.What is so special about the players in terms of the food they eat?(D)

A. A. They eat half meat and half vegetables.

B. B. They eat whatever they like.

C. C. They mainly eat meat.

D. D. All the players are vegan.

解析:原文说:And food,we’re vegan which is the biggest difference.也就是说,该球队在饮食方面不同于其他球队的地方在于他们都是素食主义者。因此,答案是D。

4.Why is it good to take more energy from milk instead of meat?(D)

A. A. Because milk is much cheaper than meat.

B. B. Because you get fatter by eating meat.

C. C. Because there is a shortage of meat in the neighborhood.

D. D. Because it takes less time for the human body to digest dairy products.

解析:原文说:They said it’s really good that they take more energy from milk because your body’s not taking so long to digest milk in the dairy products,you know.也就是说,喝牛奶容易消化。因此,答案是D。

5.What is an organic field?(D)

A. It is 100% pesticide free.

B. It uses no chemicals and no products that contain animal by-products.

C. Everything is plant-based.

D. All of the above.

解析:原文说:He’s especially proud of the team’s organic field that he says is 100 percent pesticide free.We use no chemicals and no products that contain animal by-products.Everything is plant-based.也就是说,普兰菲尔德球场负责人亚当.威切尔为自己的球场感到自豪,因为他们的球场是有机球场。换言之,他们不用杀虫剂,不使用化学品,也不使用包含动物副产品的产品,一切都是植物性的。因此,答案是D。

6.Which of the following is NOT true?(D)

A. The United States and the EU are two largest trade partners.

B. There have been tensions between them.

C. Now there is a breakthrough on trade between them.

D. They have issued a joint communique.


7.The two leaders promised to increase trade in all of the following areas except______.(D)

A. services

B. pharmaceuticals and medical products

C. soybeans

D. cars

解析:这一题和上一题的思路是一样的。问题:双方领导人都承诺要扩大贸易,其中,哪个领域不包括在内?原文说:They also promised to…increase trade in services,chemicals,pharmaceuticals and medical products,as well as soybeans.可见,服务(A)、医药制品(B)和大豆(C)都包括在内,唯独汽车(D)除外,因此,答案是D。

8.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the unfair trading practices to be addressed?(C)

A. Intellectual property theft.

B. Forced technology transfer.

C. Undercapacity.

D. Industrial subsidies.

解析:此题延续上面两题的思路,也要用排除法。问题:他们要纠正的一系列不公平贸易行为不包括哪一项?原文说:And they agreed to work with like-minded partners…to address unfair trading practices,including intellectual property theft,forced technology tr












