1.What is this talk mainly about?(A)
A. How historical events affected an art movement.
B. How artists can influence economic conditions.
C. Why a certain art movement failed to become popular.
D. How valuable paintings were lost during wartime.
2.What does the speaker say about the artists in the United States during the Great Depression?(C)
A. Many artists lost faith in the value of art.
B. Many artists were forced to take jobs in other fields.
C. Many artists moved away from large cities.
D. Many artists in the United States moved to other countries.
3.What kind of scene might be shown in a typical regionalist painting?(C)
A. People working in a large factory.
B. People walking on crowded city streets.
C. An everyday activity in a small town.
D. A well-known historical event.
4.Why did Regionalism become so popular in the U.S. during the Great Depression?(B)
A. Because the paintings sold very well.
B. Because it helped strengthen people’s faith in their country.
C. Because people liked to live in the country at that time.
D. Because it helped recover the economy.
5.According to the speaker, what happened in the U.S. in the 1940s around the time of the Second World War that affected the popularity of the regionalist art?(D)
A. The populations of small towns increased rapidly.
B. Art critics in cities began to take notice of Regionalism.
C. Some regionalist painters began a new art movement.
D. Society became more internationally focused.
6.According to the passage, how many universities in the United States took part in the study?(A)
A. Four.
B. Three.
C. Five.
D. Six.
7.Why does a lack of sleep cause people to gain weight?(B)
A. Because people burn fewer calories when they are awake.
B. Because people feel hungry when they lack sleep.
C. Because their hormones stay unchanged.
D. Because people don’t exercise when they don’t have enough sleep.
8.According to the passage, what is NOT true about the first study?(D)
A. More than 1,000 people took part in the study.
B. People who slept less had higher blood levels of ghrelin.
C. People who slept more had higher blood levels of leptin.
D. The amount of exercise can influence the result of the study.
9.What is the best amount of sleep for weight control?(B)
A. 8 hours a night.
B. 7.7 hours a night.
C. 7 hours a night.
D. 9 hours a night.
10.Two groups of people are compared in the third study. They are people(C)
A. with less than 5 hours of sleep a night and with 7 to 9 hours of sleep
B. who slept 4 hours a night and who slept 4 hours for 2 nights
C. with less than 4 hours of sleep a night and with 7 to 9 hours of sleep
D. with less than 5 hours of sleep a night and with 8 hours of sleep
11.How much was the net income at Sony Ericsson in 2004?(A)
A. 55 million euros.
B. 43 million euros.
C. 45 million euros.
D. 44 million euros.
12.To whom did Sony Ericsson lose its position as the world’s fifth biggest hands