1.What does the speaker mean?(B)
A. He usually starts working without breakfast.
B. He likes to eat a lot for breakfast.
C. He doesn’t eat a lot for breakfast.
D. He prefers something else in the morning to a big breakfast.
2.What is the speaker’s problem?(D)
A. He knows nothing about engineering.
B. He wants to postpone the presentation.
C. He never spoke to high school students before.
D. He is not yet ready for the presentation.
3.Why will the speaker make the call?(A)
A. Because he will let the other person know about the assignment.
B. Because he needs to talk to somebody.
C. Because he can’t talk about the assignment now.
D. Because he wants to know about the assignment.
4.Which of the following statements is true about Sara?(B)
A. She rarely makes mistakes.
B. She makes known what she thinks.
C. She has many original ideas.
D. She doesn’t like to express her opinions.
5.What did Dave do?(A)
A. He lost his temper for no reason at all.
B. He left without saying a word.
C. He suddenly slipped and fell.
D. He suddenly fainted.
6.According to the speaker, why did he fail to catch the point?(D)
A. Because he was away for a while.
B. Because he simply couldn’t understand.
C. Because he was thinking about something else.
D. Because he fell asleep.
7.What will the speaker probably do?(C)
A. He will refuse to work overtime.
B. He will quit this job.
C. He will probably say yes to his boss and work overtime.
D. He will have to give up his studies.
8.Which of the following is true about the picture?(A)
A. It doesn’t cost much.
B. It would not be good enough for my room.
C. It costs about 30 dollars.
D. It is very famous.
9.What does the speaker think of Kevin’s haircut?(D)
A. He doesn’t like Kevin’s haircut.
B. Kevin often gets strange haircuts.
C. He wants a haircut like Kevin’s.
D. Kevin’s haircut looks good.
10.What does the speaker say about the international festival?(A)
A. It won’t be held.
B. It will be delayed.
C. The proposal is groundless.
D. It will definitely be held outdoors.
11.Which of the following statements is true?(A)
A. Country music causes you to think affectionately about the past.
B. Country music is old-fashioned.
C. Country music is popular only among country folks.
D. Country music has no place in American music industry.
12.What does the word \\(B)
A. A desire for books.
B. A strong desire to travel.
C. A feeling of strong sexual desire.
D. A feeling of loneliness.
13.What is Apple’s attitude towards disputed borders?(C)
A. It says it is not a problem at all.
B. It follows its own rules and regulations.
C. It is making a close study of the issue.
D. It is following international and domestic laws.
14.What should American