1.It is not so much the language________the cultural background that makes the film difficult to understand.(D)
A. but
B. nor
C. like
D. as
解析:与其说是语言,不如说是文化背景令这部电影难以理解。not so much…as为固定搭配,意为“与其说……不如说……”。
2.Whoever formulated the theory of the origin of the universe, it is just________and needs proving.(B)
A. spontaneous
B. hypothetical
C. intuitive
D. empirical
解析:无论谁提出了宇宙起源的理论,都只是假设,需要证明。A项spontaneous “a. 自发的,自然的” B项hypothetical “a. 假设的;爱猜想的”C项intuitive “a. 直觉的”D项empirical “a. 经验主义的,完全根据经验的”
3.The U-boat blockade________England’s food shortage during World War II.(C)
A. aggregated
B. aggrieved
C. aggravated
D. agonized
解析:二战期间,U型潜艇的封锁加剧了英国的粮食短缺。A项aggregated “v. 集合,聚集”。B项aggrieved “v. 使悲痛;冒犯”。C项aggravated “v. 加重,使恶化”。D项agonized “v. 使极度痛苦,折磨”。
4.There is no doubt________the committee has made the right decision on the housing project.(B)
A. why
B. that
C. whether
D. when
5.When one has good health, ________should feel fortunate.(C)
A. you
B. she
C. he
D. we
6.The product contains no________colors, flavors, or preservatives.(C)
A. fake
C. artificial
D. wrong
解析:该产品不含人工色素、香精或防腐剂。A项fake “a. 假的,伪造的”,具有冒充、欺骗之意,如fake doctor/jewel“冒牌医生/假珠宝”。B项false “a. 虚假的;不诚实”,如false account假账。C项artificial “a. 人造的(物体、材料、工艺等)”,修饰colors“色素”、flavors“香精”和preservatives“防腐剂”,句意通顺。D项wrong “a. 错误的;不道德的;不合适的”,如a wrong opinion“错误的见解”,wrong conduct“不道德的行为”。
7.The local newspaper has a________of 100,000 copies a day.(B)
A. spread
B. circulation
C. motion
D. flow
解析:这家地方性报纸每天有10万份的发行量。A项spread “n. 传播,蔓延”,如the spread of disease/information“疾病/信息的传播”。B项circulation “n. 循环,流通;(书报、杂志的)销售量,发行量”,与newspaper和copies的语境相符。C项motion “n. 运动;动作;提议”,如the motion of the planets“行星的运行”。D项flow “n. (液体等的)流动;连贯”,如traffic flow“交通流量”。
8.The boys in the family are old enough for________.(B)
A. schools
B. school
C. the school
D. the schools
解析:家里的男孩们到了入学年龄。在英语中,当普通名词表示抽象意义时,前面不用冠词;如果用了冠词,则表示某个特定的地方,如go to church“做礼拜”;go to the church“到教堂去”题目说的是孩子们到上学的年龄了,因此选B项。
9.The research team can handle________needs to be handled.(D)
A. whenever
B. whichever
C. wherever
D. whatever
10.If you demand something________, you make a lot of noise.(B)
A. vocally
B. vociferously
C. vocationally
D. volcanically
解析:如果你大喊大叫地要求某个东西。你就会制造很多噪音。A项vocally “ad. 用声音,口头地”。B项vociferously “ad. 喊叫地,吵闹地”。C项vocationally “ad. 职业上地,职业性地”。D项volcanically “ad. 火山似地,猛烈地”。
11.Fool________Michael is, he could not have done such a thing.(B)
A. who
B. as
C. that
D. like
12.The operation could________her life by two or three years.(A)
A. prolong
B. increase
C. expand
D. continue