1.Boys are more________than girls.(B)
A. impetus
B. impetuous
C. impatience
D. impetrate
解析:男孩比女孩更鲁莽。A项impetus “n. 动力,推动力”。B项impetuous “a. 冲动的,鲁莽的”。C项impatience “n. 没有耐心”。D项impetrate “v. 恳求,祈求”。
2.I had been puzzled over the problem for over an hour without any result when all at once the solution________across my mind.(D)
A. flushed
B. flattered
C. flared
D. flashed
解析:我为这个问题苦苦思索了一个多小时,毫无结果,突然,答案在我脑海中闪过。A项flushed “n. 用水冲洗;使脸红”。B项flattered “v. 奉承;谄媚”。C项flared “v. 突然火烧旺;恶化”。D项flashed “n. 使闪光;闪现”。flash through/across one’s mind为固定搭配,意为“闪过某人脑海”。
3.If you cheat you will make yourself________.(D)
A. credulous
B. credible
C. incredible
D. unreliable
解析:如果你作弊,你就会让自己显得不可靠。A项credulous “a. 轻信的,易受骗的”。B项credible “a. 可靠的,可信的”。C项incredible “a. 难以置信的,惊人的”。D项unreliable “a. 不可靠的”。
4.Man is a________being.(A)
A. conscious
B. consciousness
C. conscience
D. conscientious
解析:人类是有意识的。A项conscious “a. 有意识的;清醒的”。B项consciousness “n. 意识,知觉”。C项conscience “n. 道德心,良心”。D项conscientious “a. 认真的;尽责的”。
5.The young boy is a pupil of great________.(D)
A. accentuation
B. altitude
C. attitude
D. aptitude
解析:这个小男孩很有学习天赋。A项accentuation “n. 重读;强调”。B项altitude “n. 高地;海拔”。C项attitude “n. 态度”。D项aptitude “n. 天资,天赋”。
6.He was lured into a crime he would not________have committed.(C)
A. actually
B. accidentally
C. otherwise
D. seldom
解析:他被引诱犯下了他本来不会去犯的罪行。A项actually “ad. 实际上,事实上”,用于强调真实情况,与本题的虚拟语气不符。B项accidentally “ad. 意外地,偶然地”,代入后句意不通。C项otherwise “ad. 否则,要不然”,主句用的是一般过去时,陈述已经发生了的既定事实。从句使用虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反的假设,otherwise相当于if not,符合此处语境,故选。D项seldom “ad. 不常,难得,很少”为否定副词,相当于not very often,题干已有否定词not,无须再用否定词。
7.The testimony of the witness meant to________the defense of the man accused of theft actually strengthened the case of his accusers.(D)
A. appease
B. deprecate
C. enlighten
D. bolster
解析:证人的证词本想支持被控盗窃的人的辩护,实际上却加强了原告的论据。A项appease “v. 使平息,使缓和”。B项deprecate “v. 坚决反对;强烈批评”。C项enlighten “v. 启发,启蒙”。D项bolster “v. 支持,支撑”。
8.Due to the fact that universities cannot enroll all the candidates, ________to university is competitive.(A)
A. admission
B. affidavit
C. admiration
D. allegiance
解析:由于大学不能录取所有的学生,所以入学竞争很激烈。A项admission “n. 承认,进入许可”。B项affidavit “n. 宣誓书”。C项admiration “n. 钦佩,赞赏”。D项allegiance “n. 效忠,忠诚”。
9.When the police officers who took part in the King beating were first brought to________, their lawyers used the videotape as evidence against the prosecution.(C)
A. justice
B. testimony
C. trial
D. verdict
解析:当参与殴打金的警察起初被送交法庭宣堡时,其辩护律师用录像带作为反驳控方的证据。A项bring sb. to justice“依法惩处某人,将某人绳之以法”,由于案件还在审理当中,因而排除。B项testimony “n. (尤指法庭上证人作的)证词”,涉事警察不能为自己提供证词,故排除。C项bring sb. to trial“将某人提交法庭审理”,为固定搭配,C项符合句意,为本题答案。D项verdict “n. (法庭作出的)裁决”,辩方律师反驳控方,说明案件还在审理,故排除。
10.________, being the most controversial candidate in the election campaign, he has been strongly criticized for his crude comments about women.(B)
A. Questionably
B. Arguably
C. Contentiously
D. Debatable
解析:他因粗俗评价女性受到强烈谴责,可以说是竞选中最具争议的候选人了。Arguably常用于形容词比较级或最高级前面,用于表达观点或看法,意为“可论证地,可以说”,B项填入句中句意通顺,为本题答案。余下三个选项意思较为接近,包含问题“有争议地、有疑问地”之意,由题干中he has been strongly criticize