1.Mary and John are busy looking for a hotel for their wedding________.(B)
A. meal
B. banquet
C. refreshment
D. snack
解析:玛丽和约翰在忙于寻找酒店举办他们的婚宴。wedding snack/refreshment指“婚礼小吃/茶点”。wedding meal侧重婚宴上的饭菜,wedding banquet才是“婚宴”,故选B项。
2.Because of the economic crisis, industrial output in the region remained________.(C)
A. motionless
B. inactive
C. stagnant
D. immobile
解析:受经济危机影响,该地区的工业产值停滞不前。A项motionless “a. 静止的,不动的”。B项inactive “a. 不活跃的,不活动的”。C项stagnant “a. 停滞的,不景气的”。D项immobile “a. 不动的,固定的”。
3.The police had difficulty in________the fans from rushing on to the stage to take photos with the singer.(B)
A. limiting
B. restraining
C. confining
D. restricting
解析:警察难以组织粉丝冲上台跟歌手合影。A项limiting “v. (在量、数上)限制,限定;限制,制约(某人的发展等)”。B项restraining “v. 阻止,制止”,阻止某人做某事为restrain sb. from doing sth. 。C项confining “v. 监禁;局限;制止某事扩散”。D项restricting “v. 限制,控制(大小、数量)”,限制某人做某事为restrict sb. to sth. /to doing sth。
4.Joan is in the dorm, putting the final________to her speech.(D)
A. details
B. remarks
C. comments
D. touches
解析:琼在宿舍里,给演讲稿做最后的润色。A项details “n. 细节”。B项remarks “n. 评论”。C项comments “n. 评论”。D项touches “n. 润色”。put a final touch to为周定搭配,意为“对……做最后的润色,完成……的最后一部分工作”。
5.His________in gambling has eventually brought about his ruin.(A)
A. indulgence
B. habit
C. action
D. engagement
解析:他沉迷赌博,导致了自身的毁灭。A项indulgence “n. 沉溺,放纵”。B项habit “n. 习惯”。C项action “n. 行动”。D项engagement “n. 约会”。
6.They’ve lifted a two-year-long economic________on the country.(C)
A. enclosure
B. restriction
C. blockade
D. prohibition
解析:他们解除了对该国长达两年的经济封锁。A项enclosure “n. 附件”。B项restriction “n. 限制”。C项blockade “n. 封锁”。D项prohibition “n. 禁止”。
7.Everyone is surprised that she has________her boy friend.(A)
A. left
B. quarreled
C. attacked
D. defeated
解析:听说她离开了她男朋友,所有人都很惊讶。A项left “v. 离开”。B项quarreled “v. 争吵”。C项attacked “v. 攻击”。D项defeated “v. 打败”。
8.His plan is carefully prepared and full of details, so it is a very________one.(A)
A. elaborate
B. refined
C. ambitious
D. complex
解析:他的方案经过精心准备。细节完备,可以说煞费苦心。A项elaborate “a. 精心制作的,煞费苦心的”。B项refined “a. 精炼的;有教养的;完善的”。C项ambitious “a. 雄心壮志的”。D项complex “a. 复杂的”。
9.The girl’s voice was so low that we could________hear her.(D)
A. seldom
B. almost
C. only
D. barely
解析:女孩声音太小了,我们几乎都听不到。A项seldom “ad. 很少,不常”,表示频率。B项almost “ad. 几乎”。C项only “ad. 只,仅仅”。D项barely “ad. 几乎不”。
10.She must have been pretty________to fall for such an old trick.(B)
A. interested
B. gullible
C. enthusiastic
D. shrewd
解析:她一定是很好骗,才会被老把戏骗到。A项interested “a. 感兴趣的”。B项gullible “a. 轻信的,易上当受骗的”。C项enthusiastic “a. 热情的”。D项shrewd “a. 精明的”。
11.The survival________of some wild animals is not very high because they are ruthlessly hunted for their skins.(D)
A. degree
B. ratio
C. scale
D. rate
解析:一些野生动物的存活率很低,因为人类需要它们的外皮而捕猎它们。A项degree “n. 等级”。B项ratio “n. (两个数量之间的)比,比例”。C项scale “n. 规模”。D项rate “n. 比率”。
12.If you are an athlete, strong abdominal muscles help you ensure a strong back and freedom from mjury during________upper-body movement.(C)
A. valiant
B. variable
C. vigorous