There are some techniques a procrastinator should know if he or she wants to beat the procrastination habit. 1. Set aside blocks of time to do things. Pick an hour a day to get things done. 2. If it comes to mind, then do it. The best move is to actually do the chore when you think of it. 3. Use a timer to bring you back to reality. When it goes off, just ask yourself if you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing. 4. Do not multitask. Focus your attention, for trying to do several things at once is a sure way to be sure they’ll all be unfinished tomorrow. 5. Modify your environment to eliminate distractions. Keep your office tidy. 6. Compare your actions with your personal values. 7. Take back your brain! All in all, beating procrastination is psychology. And it can be done with highly structured cognitive behavioral therapy. (160 words)
How do confident people approach life? Here are just some of the ways worth learning.
1. Confident people are more productive, because their can-do thoughts inspire real action.
2. Their body language helps boost their confidence, and they pay attention to their postures.
3. They aren’t self-assured all the time. Yet they just accept their imperfections wholeheartedly and live a happy life regardless. 4. They actively pursue success, for the more confident they are, the more likely they’ll achieve their goal. 5. They channel their inner celebrity, and will try to become their best selves. 6. They stick to their convictions, for they place trust in their own opinions. 7. They don’t fear failure, for self-assured people also seem more intelligent. 8. They’re not afraid of being confident. They don’t shy away from asserting themselves, whether they’re actually feeling comfortable or just faking it until they make it. (160 words)
For most students, college is the first time they are making major decisions about the direction their lives will take. Although they usually choose a field of study that interests them, many do not have a clear idea of what kind of work they want in the future. Therefore, almost every college and university in the United States has a career center on campus. These centers help the students to prepare documents like resumes or cover letters demanded by most employers as effectively as possible and train them to present themselves well during job interviews. For students who have more questions than answers about their career path, there is another very important service these centers offer. They can connect students with temporary employment experiences known as internships and co-ops. And this is especially important for students who begin their studies in one field but decide they want to completely change directions. (151 words)
Cleaning your teeth often, every day, is linked to a lower risk for heart problems. You may wonder, how are teeth health and heart health connected? Earlier research suggests that not taking care to clean and brush teeth leads to bacteria in the blood. This can cause inflammation, and increase the risk for unusual heartbeat and heart failure. Besides, gums need to be cleaned as well. If they are not properly cared for, they can become inflamed, which might lead to future heart diseas