1.A man who_________after his heart stop described his experience to other people.( B)
A. removed
B. recovered
C. revived
D. relived
2.The prompt________of the policemen saved the people in the house from being burnt.( C)
A. behavior
B. act
C. action
D. activity
3.A series of studies in the Journal of Consumer Research explored observers’ reactions to people who broke_________norms only slightly.( B)
A. complicated
B. established
C. authenticated
D. falsified
4.A_________teacher spends hours preparing for classes and correcting the students’ papers.( A)
A. conscientious
B. creative
C. skillful
D. careful
5.The international conference was attended by many_________scientists from developing countries.( C)
A. noticeable
B. prosperous
C. prominent
D. conspicuous
6.Whenever possible, the young fellow tries to_________how well he can sing English songs.( C)
A. show in
B. show up
C. show off
D. show out
7.The president cannot come to the reception, so I am representing the company on his( D)
A. interest
B. account
C. position
D. behalf
8.Cavour remains, along with Garibaldi and Mazzini, one of the three key_________in the struggle for Italian independence.( B)
A. profiles
B. figures
C. records
D. memories
9.A killer whom the police are calling \\( A)
A. claimed
B. stopped
C. relinquished
D. vanquished
10.Computer________will become more widespread as more schools add computer classes to their curriculums.( D)
A. cognition
B. message
C. deluge
D. literacy
11.You spend all your money on beer and then complain about being poor, but you can’t expect to_________and eat it too, you know.(A)
A. have your cake
B. take your cheese
C. make your bread
D. sell your meat
解析:句意:你把所有钱都花在买啤酒上,然后抱怨自己没钱,但是你要知道,钱和啤酒你不能兼得啊。have your cake and eat it too是英语习语,意思与汉语中的“又想马儿跑,又想马儿不吃草”“两全其美”类似。
12.Everyone who has visited the city agrees that it is_________with life.(A)
A. vibrant
B. violent
C. energetic
D. full
解析:be vibrant with life(充满生机),常用短语。vibrant(充满生机的);violent(猛烈的);energetic(精力充沛的)。
13.Falling sales and rising overheads have obliged the company to review each customer’s _________limit.(A)
A. credit
B. currency
C. check
D. certificate
解析:句意:销售额的下降和管理费的上涨迫使公司复查每位客户的信贷限额。credit limit(信贷限额),固定搭配。currency(货币,流通);check(支票);certificate(证书)。
14.________of over 5% are attractive if the dollar really is going to stabilize.(B)
A. Manufacture
B. Yields
C. Creating
D. Receiving
15.I think you can take a(n)_________language course to improve your English.(A)
A. intermediate
B. middle
C. medium
D. mid
解析:intermediate(中级的);intermediate course(中级课程);middle(当中的); medium(尺寸、身材、火候等中等的);mid(占据中间或中央位置的)。
16.The head of