The Dragon Boat Festival, falling on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, has a history of more than 2000 years in China. It is derived from activities commemorating the great patriotic poet, Qu Yuan. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zongzi and racing dragon boats. Zongzi is the most popular food for the festival. Today you may see zongzi in different shapes and with a variety of fillings in it. Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival, especially in the south of China where there are many rivers and lakes. More importantly, the Dragon Boat Festival is also a patriotic festival which reminds people of the importance of loyalty and commitment to the country. Dragon boat races are now popular all over the world.
解析:1. 翻译第一句时,为使句子层次更加清楚,可将“这个节日在中国已有2000多年的历史”处理为句子的主干,用“端午节”作主语。将“农历五月初五”处理为现在分词短语falling on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month或非限制性定语从句which falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month。置于主语“端午节”之后。
2. 第二句中,“起源于”可以用is derived from或originates from来表达。对于“对伟大爱国诗人屈原的纪念活动”这种修饰语较长的汉语,英译时可将汉语中的修饰语处理为分词短语或介词短语,作中心名词的后置定语,故可译为activities commemorating the great patriotic poet, Qu Yuan或activities in commemoration of the great patriotic poet,Ou Yuan。
3. 第五句中,“有各种各样的形状和馅料”可以译为in different shapes and with a variety of fillings in it。
4. 第七句中,“忠于国家和为国奉献”可以译为loyalty and commitment to the country。因为loyalty和commitment后面都可以接介词to。为使译文更简洁地道,句子层次更清楚,翻译时可将前半句处理为主句,后半句处理为定语从句。
2.自主创业(self-employed)的好处之一是盈利归自己所有,利润是对自己努力、能力和创造力的回报。自主创业的第二个好处是个人才智和能力能直接反映在收入上。自主创业的第三个优势是自己做老板能够控制自己的工作时间,但是创业并不是一帆风顺(go smoothly)的事。首先,做自己的老板是把责任直接放到了个人的肩上。其次,自己做老板时,一单成功的生意可能会带来很大的盈利,而一单失败的生意可能会造成破产。第三个弊端是没有稳定的工资,收入浮动很大。
One of the advantages of being self-employed is that the profits that the business makes belong to the owner. The profits earned are the reward for the owner’s effort, competence and creativity. Another advantage is that a person’s earnings directly reflect his intelligence and abilities. The third advantage of being self-employed is that a person as the boss can control his working hours. However, being self-employed does not always go smoothly. First, being one’s own boss means placing the responsibility directly on that individual’s shoulders. Second, though the self-employed can earn considerable profits from a successful business deal, a failed one can force them out of business. The third disadvantage is that self-employed people have no stable wage and their earnings can vary greatly.
解析:1. 第一句中,“努力、能力和创造力”可译为effort,competence and creativity。
2. 第二句中,“才智和能力”可以译为intelligence and abilities。
3. 第三句中,“控制自己的工作时间”可以用短语control his working hours表示。
4. 第五句中,“做自己的老板”可以译为being one’s own boss,“个人的肩上”可以译为on that individual’s shoulders。
5. 第六句中,“很大的盈利”可以译为considerable profits. “破产”可以译为out of business。
6. 第七句中,“稳定的工资”可以译为stable wage,“浮动”可意译为vary。
3.《三国演义》(The Romance of the Three Kingdoms)的作者是罗贯中。《三国演义》是中国古代长篇章回体小说的开山之作,描写的是从东汉末年到西晋初年之间一百多年的历史风云,反映了三国时代的政治军事斗争和各类社会矛盾的发展与转化,概括了这一时代的历史巨变,塑造了一批叱咤风云的英雄人物。其中,作为智慧象征的诸葛亮形象最为突出,其他如曹操之奸、刘备之仁、关羽之义、张飞之莽等,都给人们留下了深刻的印象。
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