1.Scientists are pushing known technologies to their limits in an attempt to________more energy from the earth.(C)
A. detract
B. protract
C. extract
D. retract
解析:为了从地球获取更多能源,科学家正最大限度地推进现有技术的发展。A项detract “转移;减损”,B项protract“延长;绘制”,C项extract“提取;挖掘” ,D项retract“撤回;缩回”。
2.When the civil war ended,________tasks confronted the people. Soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilian life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy.(A)
A. staggering
B. appealing
C. contending
D. rewarding
解析:内战结束后,美国人们面临着难以想象的艰巨任务。南北方将士都需遣散退伍。适应老百姓生活,还要在全面崩溃的经济中重新寻找工作。A项staggering“令人震惊的”,B项appealing“有吸引力的,动人的”,C项contending“竞争的” ,D项rewarding“报答的;值得做的”。
3.The new accessibility of land around almost every major city________an explosion of real estate development and fueled what we know as urbanization.(D)
A. incited
B. followed
C. claimed
D. sparked
解析:几乎所有大城市周边都有可开发的土地。引发房地产业爆炸式发展,加速了众所周知的城市化进程。A项incited“煽动;刺激”,B项followed“跟随;尾随;密切关注”,C项claimed“声称;断言” ,D项sparked“触发;引发”。
4.Japan’s________in the field of electronics would have to withstand much stronger challenge from competitors in the globalized economy.(B)
A. subordination
B. supremacy
C. submission
D. subjection
解析:日本在电子领域的领先地位不得不经受经济全球化带来的竞争对手的更强劲挑战。A项subordination “附属,下级;轻视”,B项supremacy“至高无上,霸权;优势” ,C项submission“提交;看法,意见” ,D项subjection “征服;顺从”。
5.After the 1870s, a number of important authors began to reject the Romanticism that had________immediately following the civil war.(D)
A. appeared
B. recurred
C. surfaced
D. prevailed
解析:19世纪70年代后,一批关键作家开始抵制浪漫主义,而该运动在美国内战后曾盛极一时。A项appeared“出现”,B项recurred“复发,再次发生”,C项surfaced“暴露,公开” ,D项prevailed“流行,盛行”。本题中的过去完成时的had所表示的是一段时间,选项中除了prevail可表延续,其余均为瞬间动词。瞬间动词在肯定句中一般不能与表示一段时间的状语或疑问词连用。
6.The poet was able to________the bucolic lifestyle in great detail because he had lived in the countryside for a long time.(C)
A. design
B. determine
C. depict
D. denote
解析:这位诗人在乡村生活过很长一段时间,因此他能够详细描绘乡村生活。A项design“设计;计划;构想”,B项determine“确定,查明;敲定,决定”,C项depict“描画;描述” ,D项denote“表示;指示”。
7.The most________investments were made in small books that had proven to be steady sellers, providing a reasonably reliable source of income for the publisher.(B)
A. appalling
B. appealing
C. astounding
D. astonishing
解析:最吸引人的投资是小书,因为小书经证明销量稳定。可以为出版商带来稳定收入。A项appalling“骇人听闻的”,B项appealing“吸引人的,动人的”,C项astounding“令人震惊的” ,D项astonishing“惊人的”。
8.As early as 1782, the________Delaware inventor Oliver Evans built a highly automated, labor-saving flour mill driven by water power.(D)
A. proficient
B. prudent
C. productive
D. prolific
解析:早在1782年,多产的特拉华州发明家奥列佛.埃文斯建造了高度自动化且节省人力的水力磨坊。A项proficient“精通的,熟练的”,B项prudent“谨慎的,慎重的”,C项productive“多产的;富有成效的” ,D项prolific“多产的,丰富的”。productive和prolific都有多产的意思,productive强调效率高,prolific强调成果丰富、数量多,本题强调成果丰富,故D项为正确答案。
9.These innovations in manufacturing________output and living standards to an unprecedented extent.(C)
A. moved
B. triggered
C. boosted
D. generated
解析:制造业的发明创造极大地促进产出和生活水平的提高。A项moved“移动;开始行动”,B项triggered“触发;引发”,C项boosted“促进;增加” ,D项generated“造成;发电”。
10.Studies reveal that obesity could, to a large extent, be attri