1.We were told during our________briefing that these warehouses were abandoned.(D)
A. insolent
B. indefinite
C. intimate
D. initial
解析:我们从初步的简报中得知,这些仓库已经废弃。A. insolent“傲慢无礼的;侮慢的”;B. indefinite“期限不定的;无期限的”;C. intimate“亲密的;隐私的”;D. initial“最初的,开始的”。
2.I felt completely squashed by her________comment.(B)
A. suspicious
B. sarcastic
C. sympathetic
D. substantial
解析:她的讽刺将我完全击垮。A. suspicious“怀疑的,猜疑的”;B. sarcastic“讽刺的,挖苦的”;C. sympathetic“表示同情的,同感的”;D. substantial“大量的;牢固的”。
3.Human impact on climate is real, and there is________in the scientific community.(B)
A. concession
B. consensus
C. confession
D. conscience
解析:人类对气候的影响是真实的,这是科学界达成的共识。A. concession“妥协;优惠;销售权协议”;B. consensus“一致同意;共识”;C. confession“承认;自首”;D. conscience“良心,良知;信仰”。
4.We didn’t have time to read the whole novel, so the teacher prepared a________for us.(C)
A. symmetry
B. symposium
C. synopsis
D. synthesis
解析:我们没时间读完整本小说,因此老师给我们准备了故事梗概。A. symmetry“对称;整齐;匀称”;B. symposium“讨论会,专题报告”;C. synopsis“梗概;大纲”;D. synthesis“结合;合成”。
5.Their society has found a biological trigger to shut down human feeling, creating cold,________orderly communities where the people resemble mildly judgmental robots.(C)
A. tortuous
B. credulous
C. placid
D. arrogant
解析:他们的社会已经找到了一种生物触发器来关闭人类的情感,从而打造出一个个冷漠、安静、有序的社区,社区里的人就像是没有什么判断力的机器人。A. tortuous“拐弯抹角的;曲折的”;C. placid“平静的;安宁的”;D. arrogant“傲慢的,自大的”;B. credulous“轻信的;容易受骗的”。
6.Of course, there are personal factors: some run clever experiments, have good collaborating skills, and are________in communicating their work.(A)
A. eloquent
B. transparent
C. practical
D. radical
解析:当然也包含个人因素,一些人能设计出巧妙的实验,拥有良好的合作技巧,与人交流自己的工作时还口才了得。A. eloquent“表达生动的;口才流利的”;D. radical“根本的;激进的;彻底的”;B. transparent“透明的;清晰的,一目了然的”;C. practical“实用的;务实的;可行的”。
7.The surgeons often wear loupes mounted on eye glasses to________their work, which limits their field of vision to a few inches.(C)
A. track
B. capture
C. magnify
D. strengthen
解析:外科医生常带的眼镜上装着小型放大镜来放大操作过程,但是放大镜会把视野限制在几英寸之内。A. track“跟踪,追踪;调查,探究”;B. capture“占领,夺取;表现,体现”;C. magnify“放大;加剧,加强”;D. strengthen“强化;巩固;支持”。
8.Urban centers with strong teleconnectivity need fewer volunteers than remote areas with________communication systems.(A)
A. primitive
B. provident
C. particular
D. pendent
解析:与通信系统原始的偏远地区相比,拥有发达通信技术的城市中心不需要那么多志愿者。A. primitive“原始的;低等的”;B. provident“节俭的;深谋远虑的”;C. particular“特定的,特指的;独特的”;D. pendent“悬而未决的;下垂的”。
9.Part of political engagement is having hard conversations and understanding________perspectives.(C)
A. divisible
B. divine
C. divergent
D. dispensable
解析:政治参与也就意味着要进行艰难对话,理解不同的观点。A. divisible“可除尽的;可分割的”;B. divine“神圣的;非凡的”;C. divergent“有分歧的;不同的”;D. dispensable“不重要的,可有可无的”。
10.The firms then prepare their genetic cocktails and develop them inside live chicken eggs in________conditions.(B)
A. semantic
B. sterile
C. soluble
D. sleek
解析:这些公司接下来打算准备好基因混合物,然后放在生鸡蛋中,在无菌条件下进行培育。A. semantic“语义的”;B. sterile“无菌的;无繁殖能力的”;C. soluble“可溶解的;水/脂溶性的”;D. sleek“柔顺的;时髦的;造型优美的”。
11.When the goats are full, they________in the sun to digest and rehydrate before