1.In significant parts of Eurasia, the middle centuries of the first millennium________a significant transition in human cultural history.(B)
A. define
B. mark
C. identify
D. specify
解析:对于欧亚大陆的大部分地区来说,公元前一千年到公元元年中间的那几个世纪是人类文化史的重要过渡期。A. define“定义,限定”;B. mark“标志,标记”;C. identify“辨别,辨认”;D. specify“详细说明,具体说明”。
2.It can sometimes feel like the world is very noisy—from planes arching loudly through the sky to the________buzz of your cellphone.(D)
A. unavailing
B. unassuming
C. unconvincing
D. unceasing
解析:世界有时候似乎非常嘈杂——从轰隆隆在空中画弧线的飞机到一直响个不停的手机。A. unavailing“徒劳的,无成果的”;B. unassuming“不爱炫耀的,谦逊的”;C. unconvincing“不令人信服的”;D. unceasing“不停歇的,持续不断的”。
3.A study commissioned by the Australian government found that women are partially blamed for the________they experience, while the same behavior is considered a \\(C)
A. abandonment
B. absurdity
C. accident
D. aggression
解析:澳大利亚政府委托的一项研究表明,女性会因为所遭遇的事故受到一些责备,但对男性来说同样的行为却被称为是一种“成年仪式”。A. abandonment“抛弃,摒弃”;C. accident“事故,意外”;B. absurdity“荒唐,谬论”;D. aggression“侵略,侵犯”。
4.The aim of this book is to foster good social work practice with the elderly and their families, and the first chapter sets out to clarify our understanding of the________elderly in relation to their families.(D)
A. vigilant
B. vehement
C. venomous
D. vulnerable
解析:本书的目的是促进老年人及其家庭之间的社会工作实践,开篇第一章便阐述了我们对弱势老人与其家庭关系的理解。A. vigilant“警觉的,警惕的”;B. vehement“强烈的,热烈的”;C. venomous“有毒的,恶毒的”;D. vulnerable“处于弱势的,易受伤害的”。
5.The new creation has grown out of an attempt to________two different tendencies, one in psychology and the other in physics, although at first sight they might seem inconsistent.(D)
A. complicate
B. interchange
C. substitute
D. harmonize
解析:这个新创造是为了尝试调和两种不同的倾向,一种来源于心理学,另一种则来自物理学,尽管乍一看这两者似乎并不一致。A. complicate“使复杂,变复杂”;C. substitute“代替,替换”;B. interchange“交换,交替”;D. harmonize“协调,使和谐”。
6.The stories concerned ordinary people doing ordinary things with just a bit of inner________, and featured an omniscient narrator who provided the precise details of almost everything.(B)
A. unrest
B. unease
C. unbelief
D. uncertainty
解析:这个故事讲述了一些普通人带着些许不安的心情做了一些平常的事情,书中还有一位无所不知的讲述者几乎为每件事提供了精准的细节。A. unrest“动荡;不安”;C. unbelief“不相信,无信仰”;B. unease“不安,不自在”;D. uncertainty“不确定性,不肯定”。
7.Nowadays we can see numerous foreign films and TV programs________in and many other imported products dominating our markets.(C)
A. bringing
B. settling
C. pouring
D. growing
解析:如今我们可以看到许多外国影片和电视节目都涌了进来,还有很多进口产品也占领了我们的市场。A. bringing“带来,引起”;C. pouring“倾注,倒入”;B. settling“停留,定居;结算”;D. growing“成长,生长”。
8.Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia are most at risk from bat viruses________humans and causing new diseases that could lead to deadly outbreaks.(C)
A. vaulting
B. bouncing
C. attacking
D. hurdling
解析:撒哈拉以南和东南亚地区是蝙蝠病毒爆发的高危地区,这类病毒可攻击人类引发新疾病,从而有可能导致致命性的疫情发生。A. vaulting“(尤指用手支撑)跳跃”;C. attacking“攻击,进攻”;B. bouncing“弹跳;上下晃动”;D. hurdling“跨栏;突破”。
9.Poland is somewhat a new destination for Chinese tourists, and Warsaw, the capital city, is an important business center with________night life and elegant dining.(A)
A. sophisticated
B. sluggish
C. sloppy
D. solitary