“英语角”在大学生专刊上刊发后,受到广大的英语读者的广泛关注和欢迎,为了刊发更多更好的优秀英文作品, 我们特向社会各界征集稿件。我们欢迎大学生、广大英语学习者、外国留学生及外国朋友们涌跃投稿。
文字不要超过 500 字。
来稿请寄:北海市新民大街 10 号北海晚报王平收
邮编: 230034
Contributions wanted
Since the “English Corner” has been published in the Student Magazine, it has received a wide attention and enjoyed a great popularity. In order to offer our readers more excellent English articles, we make our call here for contributions from all walks of life. We welcome students, English learners, foreign students and foreign friends to make their contributions. The requirements of the contributions are as follows:
A. a brief story in English or
B. something interesting around you. The maximum length of the article is about 500 words and all your contributions should be forwarded to:
Mr Wang Ping, Editor of the Bei Hai Evening News, No. 10 XinMing Street, BeiHai City. Post code: 230034.
Editor of the English Corner 7.
Dear Mr. Manager of the Tennis Club, 19 June, 2008
Thank you for your invitation to me to offer me your membership of the Tennis Club. Much to my regret, as I just moved into this city and found a new job, I am fully engaged in a lot of things recently and I am afraid that I have to turn down your invitation for the time being, I am a
sports fan though.
Once I have settled down, I will resume this matter and I really want to be the member of your club as I am very fond of tennis.
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming
假设你是海外旅行社负责人,大卫·布朗,你打电话给史密斯教授的秘书,询问了史密斯教授在美演讲的行程问题,但是为了安排航班并拟一份旅行日志,你需要写询问信给史密斯教授。写信人地址是 Overseas Travel Agency, 105 Hilltop Road, London SW6,写信日期是 2004年 4 月 4 日,收信人地址是 616 Grand Street, London 6DB,要求包括下面的内容:
A. 出发日
B. 所访各州及在各州停留时间
C. 随行人数
D. 是否携带行李
Words reference:
旅行日志: Trip Itinerary(flight itinerary)
Mr. David Brown
Overseas Travel Agency
105 Hilltop Road London SW6.
Professor Smith
616 Grand Street
London 6DB4 April, 2004
Dear Professor Smith,
RE. Your Travel Itinerary
I am writing to you here about your speech tour to the United States. I have made a call to your secretary to have some rough ideas about your trip but in order to get a detailed flight itinerary prepared, I have to get more information from you. What I want to know are questions
as follows:
A. When are you going to depart?
B. the names of the states you want to pay your visit and for how long you are going to stay in those states you may visit?
C. How many people are there accompanying you in the tour?
D. Do you have any luggage?
Once all the above questions are answered, I will prepare a flight itinerary and send it to you for your comments.
I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
Sincerely yours,
David Brown
过去一个星期以来,差不多每天晚上,本街 43 号都有人打麻将,由十点钟开始,一直打到深夜三点甚至四点,喧闹不堪,使我们无法入睡。我们曾经同他们交涉,但他们却变本加厉。希望你们能派人去制止这种行为。注意:必须包括