1. Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage, except the first sentence, will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given ONE minute to check through your work once more.
Write on ANSWER SHEET ONE. The first sentence of the passage is already provided.
Education in Mexico
Compulsory education begins at the age of six.
Education in Mexico
Compulsory education begins at the age of six. / But many parents send their children to nursery schools / for two or three years before they start primary school. / At the age of twelve, secondary education starts. / Pupils go either to general secondary schools or to vocational schools. / After three years’ secondary education, / pupils receive the Secondary School Certificate. / Higher secondary education also lasts for three years. / At this level there are three kinds of schools: Preparatory, Teacher Training and Technical. / Higher education begins at eighteen and students go to universities, teacher training colleges or technical institutions. /
How to Get Over a Breakup
1. 【T1】________ your decision 【T1】________
. If it\’s your decision,
—don\’t forget why you 【T2】________ 【T2】________
. If it\’s your partner\’s decision,
—don\’t second-guess or romanticize
—accept it and【T3】________ 【T3】________
2. List the reasons why you\’re 【T4】________ without your ex 【T4】________
. Remind yourself of what 【T5】________ about your ex 【T5】________
. Make a list of the positives of your break-up
—Feeling more empowered to follow a healthier diet
—Having【T6】________ to do what you wanted to do 【T6】________
3. 【T7】________ and do things 【T7】________
. Get back in the world after you have【T8】________ 【T8】________
. Grow and Maintain your【T9】________ 【T9】________
. Enjoy doing things【T10】________ 【T10】________
Stand by
解析:本题考查对要点的把握。录音在阐述第一个要点时提到,首先要做的是坚持分手的决定不动摇(stand by your decision)。故填入Stand by。
break it off/break up
解析:本题考查对大意的理解和对信息的整合。录音提到,当提出分手的人是自己时,不要过多地回想恋爱时的美好时光,否则容易忘记为什么决定分手(break it off)。此处填break up也正确,能理解文意即可。
move forward/move on
解析:本题考查对信息的提炼及理解。录音指出:如果是对方提的分手,不要对过去抱有幻想,接受现实,然后向前看(move forward)。此处填move on也正确,能理解文意即可。
better off
解析:本题考查对要点的把握。录音提到,想一想离开你的前任后,你会变得更好的理由(better off without your ex),然后下文也多次提到列一个离开前任后会变得更好的理由清单。故填入better off。
bothered you
解析:本题考查细节。录音提到,分手后,应该回想起自己关于前任那些令人烦扰的事情(everything that bothered you about your ex)。故填入bothered you。
解析:本题考查对大意的理解。录音为阐述“想一想离开你的前任后,你会变得更好的理由”的观点,举出了两个例子:也许前任的饮食习惯不好,分手后你便可更健康地饮食(a healthy diet);也许前任不愿意跟你一起做一些你爱做的事情,分手后你便拥有了随心所欲的自由(the freedom to do all of those things)。故本题填入freedom