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1. Beijing is contemplating charging congestion fees for cars that enter the city center during peak hours in a bid to ease the traffic condition and improve the air quality in the capital. Heated discussions on the effectiveness of congestion fees are aroused among people. The following are opinions from different sides. Read the excerpt carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 WORDS, in which you should:

1. summarize briefly the different opinions;

2. give your comment.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

BadBreath (the US): Drastic measures must be taken or imposed in order to deal with the horrendous pollution problems throughout China. They can place enormous tariffs on cars to minimize traffic volume and pollution. Then, continue expanding the subway to the best of their ability.

Brendan (the UK): The congestion charge was introduced in London in 2003 in a bid to reduce inner-city traffic volume and prevent pollution. The congestion charge of about £11.5 is required to enter the zone. Since the congestion fees have been levied, traffic volume and pollution have fallen sharply. The policy can be named as one of the most successful policies.

Matt (China): I support the move! I have to endure road congestion every day to and from work; I don’t know whether this congestion charge will be an effective solution to this problem or not, but I sure hope so! The ways of managing cars that are currently in force are unreasonable since they cost a lot in fees even for people who don’t drive cars. It would be better to change to a situation where those who drive cars bear high costs, while those who do not drive cars pay no money at all.

Britomart (China): There’s another very significant factor, which our city’s officials seem to be ignoring. Congestion fees are no barrier to the very wealthy, to whom fees and regulations are negligible.

If anything, higher rates simply serve to show off that they are the elite, to whom money is irrelevant.

Strangerl23 (the US): Such fees are just more income for the government. People who need to drive will pay the fee. No such fee can ever stop or deter anyone from driving. You know why? Driving is not a luxury as you imagine. To many people, driving is a necessity. Why don’t you ban cars? This would work greatly.

Aran (Singapore): The congestion charge is almost proven not to work all by itself. It has to come backed up with extensive public transport systems. Singapore has a decent public transport system and that is why the congestion charge works. Singapore has a metro stop almost every two blocks (in the central districts) and buses every 5 minutes to feed them. The inherent solution itself comes with the way the city is designed so that people travel less. China could solve part of the problems with ramping up the density of residential areas around their work places.

PatricklnBeijing (Germany): Congestion fees might make more sense if they are coupled with other programs. Several people have noted to improve mass transit. How about lower fees for cars with multiple passengers and higher fees for cars with only one person? Multiple passenger cars












