1.What is the speaker talking about?(D)
A. Information will be gone in 24 hours.
B. Information will be gone after 24 hours.
C. Information will be gone after being exposed for 24 hours.
D. Information will be gone more and more quickly in 24 hours after being obtained.
解析:原文“The retention of information drops rapidly in the first 24 hours after you’ve been exposed to it”,参考译文为“一旦获取到信息,你对信息的记忆会在24小时之内迅速下降”。因此,正确答案为D。
2.Which of the following is true?(C)
A. An ice breaker is an equipment for breaking ice.
B. An ice breaker will be accepted if it is good.
C. A good way to start a conversation with strangers is to praise them.
D. A good way to start a conversation with strangers is to break some ice.
解析:原文“A compliment is always a good ice breaker and will usually be appreciated”,参考译文为“赞美通常是缓解尴尬、活跃气氛的好办法,并且别人也会乐于接受”。因此,正确答案为C。
3.What does the sentence mean?(A)
A. Humor is an integration of wisdom and happiness.
B. Humor makes people laugh.
C. Humor is a valuable merit.
D. Humor not only makes people laugh but also gives them mercy.
解析:原文“It has been said that humor consists of wit,mirth,and laughter”,参考译文为“据说幽默是由智慧、欢乐和笑声组成的”。因此,正确答案为A。
4.What does the speaker indicate?(D)
A. The relation between the two companies is complicated.
B. The revolution brings the company more responsibility.
C. The company has generated profits after the revolution.
D. The company responds differently from what has been revealed.
解析:原文“The revelations,and the company’s response,have generated conflicting responses”,参考译文为“被揭露的真相与该公司的回应之间产生了矛盾”。因此,正确答案为D。
5.What does the sentence mean?(B)
A. China takes civilization more seriously today than thousands of years ago.
B. The conflict between human being and nature is becoming more serious today than any other time in the history of China.
C. China took nature more seriously thousands of years ago.
D. China takes humanity more seriously today.
解析:原文“In China’s thousands of years of civilization,the conflict between humanity and nature has never been as serious as it is today”,参考译文为“在中国数千年的文明史中,人类同自然之间的冲突从未像今天这样严重”。因此,正确答案为B。
6.What does the sentence indicate about American people?(A)
A. Among the retired Americans, 40% of them have had credit-card debt after then-retirement.
B. There are 40% of Americans who have retired for twenty years.
C. Almost 40% of Americans pay off their credit-card debt in twenty years.
D. 40% of the Americans have credit-card debt.
解析:原文“Nearly 40% of retired Americans said they’ve accumulated credit-card debt in their twilight years”,参考译文为“在美国,有将近40%的退休老人声称,他们大笔的信用卡债务是在晚年积累下的”。因此,正确答案为A。
7.What does the speaker indicate?(C)
A. The rules are available to many people.
B. Many people don’t qualify for the rules.
C. Many people qualified for the rules don’t know they can take advantage of them.
D. Many people take adventure to qualify for the rules.
解析:原文“Many people don’t take advantage because they don’t know they qualify for such rules”,参考译文为“许多人并未受益于这些规定,因为他们根本不清楚这些规定适用于自己”。因此,正确答案为C。
8.What does the sentence mean?(B)
A. People in the other boat face less risk.
B. Those who are not prepared for risks