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1. The social development is asking more from both parents who have to take full-time jobs. This brings us the issue of \\

Latchkey Children in Modern Life

More and more mothers nowadays are changing their role as a full-time homemaker by taking jobs outside because of either financial need or personal fulfillment, or both. This role change affects the whole family with the emotional neglect of the children. The latchkey children is a case in point. However, children themselves view this issue differently—some feel they treasure the trust and independence brought by it while others think they are neglected. However they judge this situation, adequate attention must be paid to the quality of parent-child relationship.

In recent years, a confluence of social, economic and political factors has led to increasing numbers of unattended or latchkey children who are left alone during the after-school hours. Among the causing factors, the disintegration of traditional households characterized by two working parents is the culprit.

The effects of being a latchkey child differ from one kid to another. Loneliness, boredom and fear are the most common for many kids. In the early teens, latchkey children may have greater susceptibility to peer pressure, potentially resulting in such behavior as alcohol abuse, drug abuse, smoking or other bad habits. The behavior might stem from unspent energy, peer pressure, or hostility because of the lack of appropriate adult attention. However, other children can exude positive effects, such as an early development of self-reliance, adaptation to difficult situations, and a desire to contribute to the household.

Whatever the cause of this phenomenon, when dealing with it, we should take many factors into consideration: the children’s personality and maturity level, the amount of time the children are left alone, and the safety of the neighborhood. Of supreme importance is the quality of the relationship between parents and children. It is most important that children be secure in the knowledge that they are loved. Feeling loved provides invaluable emotional strength to cope with almost any difficulty that arises in life.


2. Nowadays, many parents choose homeschooling as a new way to teach their children rather than send them to public schools. Are public schools better than homeschooling? Read the following excerpt carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 WORDS, in which you should:

1. summarize briefly the different opinions on this issue;

2. give your comment.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Alex (the US): An easy yes. Teachers go to school to learn how best to educate. Parents have no such training. Teachers are professionals who go into the profession for the purpose of teaching children. Parents have done no such thing and may not be qualified to educate any child. Abandoning public education because you want to teach your child is irresponsible.

Ben (Germany): Although I am a public school person, I share the belief that homeschooling is better. First, there is no need for timetables. You set your own way, and you have mor












