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1. Animal research, including medical research, toxicology testing, and psychological research involving animal subjects, has been used for several centuries as part of our efforts to better understand the world around us. Should animal testing be banned? The following are opinions from different sides. Read the excerpt carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 WORDS, in which you should:

1. summarize briefly the different opinions;

2. give your comment.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Clark:Animals have a right not to be harmed. The differences between us and other vertebrates (脊椎动物 ) are a matter of degree rather than kind. If we accept it as true for the sake of argument that all humans have a right not to be harmed, simply by virtue of existing as a being of moral worth, then we must ask what makes animals so different. If animals can feel what we feel, and suffer as we suffer, then to discriminate merely on the arbitrary difference of belonging to a different species is analogous to discriminating on the basis of any other morally arbitrary characteristic, such as race or sex. If sexual and racial moral discrimination is wrong, then so is speciesism.

Frey: Animal rights are of less moral worth than human rights. Animal lives and human lives are of unequal value. This is due to the fact that no animal possesses all of these characteristics to the same degree as the average human, or even comes particularly close. Thus the rights ascribed to animals should be truncated relative to the rights we ascribe to humans. Therefore animals should not rightly possess the same rights to not be experimented upon as humans might. To the extent to which causing some harm to animals brings great benefits to humans, we are morally justified in creating some moral harm, to achieve a far greater moral good.

Peta: Research can be done effectively without experimenting on living creatures. Science and technology has moved faster than research protocols, however, and so there is no longer a need for animals to be experimented on. The previous necessity of the use of animals is no longer a good excuse for continued use of animals for research. We would still retain all the benefits that previous animal research has brought to us but should not engage in any more. Thus modern research has no excuse for using animals.

Tia: Animal research is necessary for the development of truly novel substances. After the effects, side effects and more complex interactions of a drug have been confirmed using animal and non-animal testing, it will usually pass to what is called phase I clinical trial—tests on human volunteers to confirm how the drug will interact with human physiology and what dosages it should be administered in. The risk of a human volunteer involved in phase I clinical trial being harmed is extremely small, but only because animal tests, along with non-animal screening methods are a highly effective way of ensuring that dangerous novel drugs are not administered to humans. In the United Kingdom, over the past twenty years or more, there have been no human deaths as a result of phase I clinical trial.

Beth-. It would send a posi












