What is the conversation mainly about?
A. He will earn a high internship wage.
B. He will gain production experience.
C. He would like television work in the future.
D. He likes the other people who work there.
解析:题目询问男士想要获得实习职位的原因,注意本题有两个答案。在具体谈论职位时,男士提到这是一个没有薪资的实习职位,不过他不在乎,他在乎的是能在电视台工作的经验(It’s the experience—the chance to work in television),今后某天他可能会写作和制作(Some day I’d like to write, or produce)。由此可见,男士之所以想要获得实习职位是想获得相关经验,并且以后想要在电视事业发展,故选B项和C项。
A. I wish I knew people who could help me.
B. I’m the most qualified person for the job.
C. I’m worried that my work will be criticized.
D. I’m not confident about getting the internship.
解析:本题重听的内容是“M:I probably don’t stand much of a chance, though. I’m sure there’ll be lots of other people who apply, with more qualifications than me. ”。从男士说的“可能没希望”以及后面“很多人比我条件好的人申请”可知,男士对自己能获得实习职位的信心不足,故选D项。
A. To encourage the man to apply for a different internship
B. To find out if the man would like to meet her friend
C. To impress the man with her political connections
D. To reassure the man about his chance of getting the position
解析:题目询问女士讲述自己朋友的故事的原因。当听到男士对自己能否获得职位表现出不自信的心态时,女士说有时候重要的不是证书而是人(Sometimes it’s not the credentials but the person who masers),并举出了自己朋友的例子。可见女士在给男士信心,让他相信他有机会得到这个职位,故选D项。
A. Give him an internship application
B. Write a letter of recommendation
C. Watch a television program
D. Help him with an assignment
解析:题目询问男士想要女士做什么。在对话的最后,女士问男士是否想要推荐信(You want a recommendation?),男士则回答“是的”,可见男士想让女士给他写一封推荐信,故选B项。
What is the main topic of this discussion?
A. Various cultures are contrasted.
B. A concept is explained through an extended example.
C. The reasons why a certain technique works are listed.
D. A series of cultures are presented in chronological order.
A. Two methods of dating cultures
B. The known dates of two cultures
C. Two cultures, each with unknown dates
D. One culture with known and one culture with unknown dates
A. It is a scientific method of dating.
B. It can be used to date all types of areas.
C. It was not used to date the southern culture.
D. It was used effectively to date the northern culture.
解析:题目询问关于树木年轮定年法表述不正确的选项。在提到如何确定亚利桑那州北部文化的年代时,教授提到了科学家采用的是树木年轮定年法(tree ring remnants),但这个方法没办法在南部进行,因为南部没有树木生长,可见B项“它可以用来确定所有类型的区域”的表述错误,故为答案。
A. The dates of the southern culture were determined from tree-ring dating.
B. Pieces of southern pottery were found in the northern area.
C. The dates of the southern culture were determined from cross-dating.
D. Pieces of northern pottery were found in the southern area.
A. Quite confused throughout the discussion
B. Quite con