1. While the U.S. has struck trade deals with Canada, Mexico, China and Japan, a similar pact with the European Union has remained elusive, a source of frustration for the White House’s trade team.
In a congressional hearing last week, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said negotiations with Europe were \\
美国贸易代表罗伯特.莱特希泽(Robert Lighthizer)在上周的国会听证会上说,与欧洲的谈判“短期前景不佳”,同时表示特朗普总统“在必要时候会使用关税手段,确保美国企业受到公平待遇”。
2. 疫情防控是一场不容有失的战役,但我相信中国终将战胜疫情。我觉得自己有责任要讲好中国抗击疫情的故事,展现中国人民团结一心、同舟共济的精神风貌,凝聚众志成城抗击疫情的强大力量。我认为中国防控疫情是中国故事的重要部分,我应该向我的学生、向我周围的朋友、向我所认识的人们好好讲讲中国故事。疫情发生以来,在疫情防控的第一线,每天都有感人的故事发生。我每天浏览社交媒体和报纸上发表的新闻,看到中国政府采取的快速、果断的举措正在有效遏制疫情的蔓延。对于中国政府的当机立断,我深表敬佩。我对中国政府和人民打赢抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的战役充满信心。
The epidemic prevention and control is a battle that allows no failure. I believe China will win. I think I’m duty-bound to do a good job in telling Chinese stories to show the solidarity and unity among the Chinese people who demonstrate impressive strength in fighting the COVID-19. I think the epidemic prevention and control is an important part of the Chinese stories and I should do a good job in sharing it with my students, friends and acquaintances. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, moving things occur at the frontline day after day. Every day I browse through the news reports on social media and in newspapers and see the Chinese government has taken rapid and decisive actions to effectively curb the spread of the COVID-19. I really admire the Chinese government’s decisiveness and I’m very confident that the Chinese government and people will win the combat against the disease.
3. 中国银行是中国持续经营时间最久的银行。1912年2月,经孙中山先生。批准,中国银行正式成立。从1912年至1949年,中国银行先后行使中央银行、国际汇兑银行和国际贸易专业银行职能,坚持以服务社会民众、振兴民族金融为己任,历经磨难,艰苦奋斗,在民族金融业中长期处于领先地位,并在国际金融界占有一席之地。1949年以后,中国银行长期作为国家外汇外贸专业银行,统一经营管理国家外汇,开展国际贸易结算、侨汇和其他非贸易外汇业务,大力支持外贸发展和经济建设。
Bank of China is the bank with the longest continuous operation among Chinese banks. The Bank was formally established in February 1912 following the approval of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. From 1912 to 1949, the Bank served consecutively as the country’s central bank, international exchange bank and specialized international trade bank. Fulfilling its commitment to serving the public and developing China’s financial services sector, the Bank rose to a leading position in the Chinese financial industry and developed a good standing in the international finan