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1. Read carefully the following excerpt on China’s stricter rules for live streaming and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should:

. summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

. comment on whether stricter rules for live streaming are justified and how to purify online programs.

You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

China Demands Stricter Rules for Live Streaming

As well as asking sites to step up control of live broadcasts, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) wants the content monitored full-time.

It is the latest move by authorities to clamp down on what it sees as \\

The Censorship on Live Streaming

The latest move by authorities to shut down live streaming with inappropriate content which ranges from pornography to violence echoes the Chinese government’s determination to strengthen online security. In my opinion, such censorship should be welcomed in order to clear up vile live streaming in cyberspace.

Our era witnesses a strange moment when cyber celebrities become prized brands and launch lucrative business by monetizing their influence on fans. To attract the audience and make a huge profit, some online celebrities resort to inappropriate, and sometimes illegal ways to make a rapid rise to stardom. Objectionable content floods into online programs so that the cyberspace has become a place of moral corruption. To solve the problem, first of all, stricter supervision on live streaming must be carried out round the clock to ensure that online programs comply with the laws and regulations. Once the live streaming websites break the rules, they should be warned, their services restricted and their accounts blacklisted. Moreover, online ethics should be encouraged and promoted among cyber stars who shoulder the social responsibility of propagating positive energy with their big influence.

To summarize, a sound and healthy cyber environment is everyone’s Edenic retreat from this harsh world. We hope that while enjoying the amusing live streaming, we needn’t worry about a foul environment that would choke us like a stone in the shoe.


2. Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should:

. summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

. comment on the present situation and prospect of telemedicine. You can support yourself with information from the excerpt.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

People Are Unsure About \\

My View on Telemedicine

Recently, a new terminology, telemedicine, has been often mentioned, whose definition is to implement diagnoses with the assistance of the Internet as well as other tools like cameras and recording equipment. It is n












