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Passage One

(1)It is mid-September, the heat is just leaking out of the end of summer, and Japan is enjoying a rare public holiday. A holiday, that is, in the uniquely Japanese sense of the word, which means the OPS hardwired into every citizen is sending thousands upon thousands to the same fashionable boutiques near my home in Tokyo to shop. It is more crowded than a commuter train at rush hour. Policemen shepherd the multitude along the streets with flashing orange batons. Yet there is something peaceful about the way the Japanese drift together in a crowd; they carry a tiny aura of personal space with them, no bigger than one of their Louis Vuitton handbags, and every bit as precious. They hardly touch, like those shoals of translucent fish that dart from one direction to another without colliding. The policemen use their batons like conductors, keeping everything harmonious. But if you try to defy them, those batons will block your way faster than they can say \\

1.According to the passage, which is NOT seen as a cause for the order and harmony in Japan?(B)

A. Forefather’s influence.

B. The large population.

C. Geographical environment.

D. The ingrained notions.


2.Which of the following statements about the third paragraph is INCORRECT?(D)

A. The Japanese get accustomed to run anti-clockwise.

B. It is a little difficult to probe into the Japanese mind for foreigners.

C. Having dinners in bathing costumes after swimming seems unacceptable in Japan.

D. Wearing short sleeves and pants is popular in a burning hot day during September.

解析:第3段主要描述作者发现自己的行为跟日本人的格格不入,当他按顺时针方向慢跑时,却发现其他人都是按逆时针方向跑的;在初秋仍然炎热的时候他穿着短袖,却发现日本人又穿上外套、戴上领带了;夏天游完泳穿着泳衣去咖啡厅吃午饭却发现女老板气得脸色发青。选项A,C与描述相符,D不符合,故正确答案是D。B可以从该段最后一句看出来,B中的difficult与文中的take so many wrong turns相符。

3.In the author’s view, which of the following is NOT a fact that makes foreigners crazy in Japan?(A)

A. The locals live too cozily and have no interest in foreign countries.

B. Most Japanese banks don’t identify foreign ATM cards.

C. Movies for rent offer no choice of foreign-language subtitles.

D. The cell phone made in Japan is not suitable to use outside Japan.

解析:根据第5段最后3句话的描述可知,国外的银行卡在大多数日本银行都用不了(B);影碟出租店里出租的日本电影——即使是经典大片——也没有外文字幕选择(C);日本的移动电话技术也很不同寻常,使得其手机只适合在日本用(D)。故B、C、D都是作者认为能让人抓狂的事情(At times it is downright maddening)。A虽然是事实,但作者只是客观描述,并没有讲到这是令人抓狂的事情.故答案是A。

4.According to the passage, we learn that ______.(D)

A. citizens in Japan all drive to boutiques with a GPS in public holiday

B. young people in Japan are not hard-working in their academic study

C. Japan is a densely-populated country and unsuitable for living

D. Japan tends to live in isolation, shunning off from the rest of world


Passage Two

(1)The Muslim calendar, now in its 1,431st year, follows the cycle of the moon rather than the sun. This means it shifts by 11 days a year in comparison with the Gregorian calen












