A. In Morocco, both satisfaction and optimism have doubled.
B. Educational opportunities.
C. Many Arab countries have improved the income of their citizens.
D. There is an acceleration of the economic growth in the Arab world.
A. In Morocco, both satisfaction and optimism have doubled.
B. Optimism grows generally in the Arab world in recent years.
C. Many Arab countries have improved the income of their citizens.
D. There is an acceleration of the economic growth in the Arab world.
A. Uganda’s multi-party elections were darkened.
B. To prepare for the presidential elections.
C. Uganda’s role model in the region was canceled.
D. Uganda’s relationship with its donors felt strained.
解析:根据新闻可知,题目问的Basigye’s incident指Basigye被逮捕一事。新闻中提到该事件可能会使得该国20年来的首次多党选举蒙上阴影(darken the country’s first multi-party elections in two decades),A将新闻中的动宾结构换成了被动语态(was darkened),所述意思与新闻一致,故为答案。B“西方国家的经济支持力度被减弱”、C“乌干达在该地区的模范地位被取消”和D“乌干达与其捐赠者的关系紧张”均复现了新闻个别原词,但所述与新闻意思不符。
A. Uganda’s multi-party elections were darkened.
B. Economic support from western nations was cut off,
C. Uganda’s role model in the region was canceled.
D. Uganda’s relationship with its donors felt strained.
解析:根据新闻可知,题目问的Basigye’s incident指Basigye被逮捕一事。新闻中提到该事件可能会使得该国20年来的首次多党选举蒙上阴影(darken the country’s first multi-party elections in two decades),A将新闻中的动宾结构换成了被动语态(was darkened),所述意思与新闻一致,故为答案。B“西方国家的经济支持力度被减弱”、C“乌干达在该地区的模范地位被取消”和D“乌干达与其捐赠者的关系紧张”均复现了新闻个别原词,但所述与新闻意思不符。
A. All the extreme weather events.
B. It was hot and dry.
C. Light snows and record rain.
D. The land’s surrounded by ocean.
解析:新闻中间部分提到造成新闻天气情况的原因(cause):温暖的气候(a wanning climate)和强烈的厄尔尼诺现象(a super strong El Nino),B与新闻原意相同,故为答案。
A. All the extreme weather events.
B. El Nino and a warmer climate.
C. Light snows and record rain.
D. The land’s surrounded by ocean.
解析:新闻中间部分提到造成新闻天气情况的原因(cause):温暖的气候(a wanning climate)和强烈的厄尔尼诺现象(a super strong El Nino),B与新闻原意相同,故为答案。
A. There was record-breaking snowfall.
B. There was recording-breaking rainfall.
C. It were the warmest months ever recorded.
D. It were the wettest months ever recorded.
解析:新闻后段提到,美国天气不仅温和,而且湿度较大,导致美国西北部在去年二、三月出现纪录性降雪(record snows),故答案为A。B说的“记录性降雨”是发生在美国南部和中西部(South and Midwest)。C和D只是利用新闻末尾中的much warmer和more moisture作干扰,都没有实质根据。
A. To join association of museums.
B. Appreciate the contributions of African Americans.
C. To choose donors.
D. To build a new museum.
解析:新闻中提到,Smithsonian Institution宣布要建一个“非裔美国人历史与文化国家博物馆”。(National Museum of African American History and Culture)。故答案为D“建造新博物馆”。A利用新闻中的join和 museum制造干扰,但“博物馆协会”没有在新闻中出现。新闻中提到建造博物馆之前,要先选定建筑师(architect must be chosen)、征集收藏品(collection must be assembled)和募捐建造博物馆的费用(half...price tag must be provided from private donors),B、C项胡乱拼凑了这些信息点,并不是Smithsonian Institution真正要做的事。