A. They built long-lasting schools in Turkey.
B. Education problems of Syrian children in Turkey.
C. They offered financial support to Turkey.
D. They sent refugee children to refugee camps.
A. They built long-lasting schools in Turkey.
B. They established a huge school system in Turkey.
C. They offered financial support to Turkey.
D. They sent refugee children to refugee camps.
A. Withdrawal of combat troops from other countries.
B. They fired against NATO troops.
C. Decline of the local troops’ strength.
D. Last year’s victory over foreign troops.
解析:新闻末尾提到,自从去年其他国家的武装部队撤走后,塔利班的袭击在数量和破坏力都增加了(grown in number and strength),故导致塔利班袭击增多的原因就是外国军队的撤走,A正确。发出错误声明(false claims)的是塔利班,而非外国军队,B错误。C利用strength一词作干扰,新闻并没有提到当地军队的情况。D“去年对外国军队的胜利”没有在新闻中提到。
A. Withdrawal of combat troops from other countries.
B. False claims of foreign military troops.
C. Decline of the local troops’ strength.
D. Last year’s victory over foreign troops.
解析:新闻末尾提到,自从去年其他国家的武装部队撤走后,塔利班的袭击在数量和破坏力都增加了(grown in number and strength),故导致塔利班袭击增多的原因就是外国军队的撤走,A正确。发出错误声明(false claims)的是塔利班,而非外国军队,B错误。C利用strength一词作干扰,新闻并没有提到当地军队的情况。D“去年对外国军队的胜利”没有在新闻中提到。
A. Details of anti-smoking policies.
B. Increase the legal age to buy cigarettes.
C. Health warnings including pictures.
D. Data of cigarette sales worldwide.
解析:新闻中提到,澳大利亚四年前推行了所谓的plain packaging政策,要求包装上统一用橄榄褐色,还要有健康警示的图示(health warnings that include pictures),C与此一致,为答案。B出现关键词olive,但新闻是说包装的颜色是olive brown“橄榄褐色”,而非真的是印上olive trees“橄榄树”。
A. Details of anti-smoking policies.
B. Pictures with olive trees.
C. Health warnings including pictures.
D. Data of cigarette sales worldwide.
解析:新闻中提到,澳大利亚四年前推行了所谓的plain packaging政策,要求包装上统一用橄榄褐色,还要有健康警示的图示(health warnings that include pictures),C与此一致,为答案。B出现关键词olive,但新闻是说包装的颜色是olive brown“橄榄褐色”,而非真的是印上olive trees“橄榄树”。
A. To follow the anti-smoking trend in Kuwait and Hawaii.
B. To make Tasmania Australia’s healthiest city by 2025.
C. To ease existing tough anti-smoking policies.
D. To have more tough anti-smoking policies.
解析:选项均以To开头,题目可能问的是做某件事的目的。新闻最后提到,塔斯马尼亚政府的提议是五年计划的一部分,目的是在2025年之前将塔斯马尼亚州打造成澳大利亚最健康的州(part of a five-year plan to make the state Australia’s healthiest by 2025),B所述与原文一致。A“跟随科威特和夏威夷的反吸烟潮流”、C“放宽目前已有的苛刻的反吸烟政策”、D“为了制订更多严苛的反吸烟政策”均未在新闻中提到。
A. Poverty and lack of education.
B. Child marriage in Africa will be ended by 2050.
C. The low legal age for marriage.
D. High risks of becoming teenage mothers.
解析:新闻的结尾引用非盟女主席的话,指出轻视女性的当地文化(undervalues girls and women)以及贫穷和教育落后(Poverty and lack of education)应为童婚现象负责,A复现后者,为正确答案。B错在children,当地文化轻视的只是女孩,不是所有children“合法结婚年龄低”与新闻内容相反,新闻中明确提到在大多数非洲国家,18岁是合法结婚的年龄。D“成为青少年母亲的风险高”未在新闻中提到。
A. Poverty and lack of education.
B. Local culture that undervalues children.
C. The low legal age for marriage.
D. High risks of becoming teenage mothers.