1.A certain amount of unemployment lubricates labor markets, maintaining a ready supply of workers for expanding businesses.(B)
A. obscures
B. benefits
C. hinders
D. modifies
解析:句意:一定量的失业对劳动力市场起到润滑作用,可以为企业扩张保持现成的劳动力供给。lubricate润滑,句子后半句状语部分的ready supply of workers for expanding businesses在一定程度上解释了这个词的含义,说明了失业是如何对劳动力市场产生作用的。四个选项中,选项A.obscures掩盖、隐藏;选项B.benefits有利于,与原题含义接近;选项C.hinders阻碍,与原题含义正好相反;选项D.modifies修改,与原题含义相差较远。
2.A study found that millennial harbor less racial or ethnic animosity than their older counterparts and are more likely to move into \\(C)
A. reality
B. minority
C. hostility
D. hospitality
解析:句意:一项研究发现,与年长的一代入相比,千禧一代的种族或民族仇恨更少,而且更有可能搬到“酷而前卫”的社区居住。句中的ethnic animosity种族仇恨,上下文不足以明确animosity的含义。选项A.reality现实;选项B.minority少数人;选项C.hostility敌意;D.hospitality热情。选项C代入句中,比较符合逻辑。
3.Elon Musk’s share in Tesla is what has propelled him to the top of the ranking of the world’s richest people.(D)
A. spelled
B. expelled
C. compelled
D. impelled
4.The few gains that were made seem almost certain to be reversed. The economies of Latin America are far from homogeneous.(A)
A. overturned
B. remained
C. occurred
D. released
5.Dissonance among the three partners doomed the company’s project.(C)
A. Conflict
B. Harmony
C. Disagreement
D. Collision
6.Though rich in resources like coal and oil, much of the region is plateau or desert. It is home to just 6 percent of the population.(A)
A. highland
B. island
C. heartland
D. inland
7.The fuel cells could be used as auxiliary power units to produce electricity when an aircraft is on the ground, for example, allowing its engines to be turned off.(B)
A. complementary
B. supplementary
C. supportive
D. assistive
解析:句意:电池被用作辅助电源,为飞机在地面滑行时供电,比如关闭引擎等。选项A.complementary辅助性的、互补的;选项B.supplementary补足性的、增补物的,符合句意;选项C.supportive支持的、赞助的,比如:My family was very supportive when I was in college.选项D.assistive辅助的,比如:Modem assistive technology enables people with disabilities co be accessible to social life.
8.Banks have no obligation to accept presentation of documents outside their banking hours.(C)
A. regulation
B. consideration
C. liability
D. necessity
9.At a moment when authentic leaders are needed throughout society, it’s an enormous loss if former CEOs simply re