1. 当今世界正处在大发展大变革大调整时期,地缘政治版图日益多元化、多极化,国与国相互依存更加紧密。
The dynamically developing world is currently going through a period of major changes and reconfiguration; the geopolitical landscape is becoming diversified and multipolar, and ties between countries are becoming closer.
At the same time, the factors of instability and uncertainty are increasing, the situation in the world economy remains unstable despite the positive changes, economic globalization is confronted with the expansion of unilateral protectionist policies and other challenges in international trade, and the risks associated with the aggravation of conflicts in a number of regions, terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crime, epidemics of infectious diseases and climate change are also on the rise. Counteraction to these global challenges requires urgent development of collective and effective approaches of the world community.
Following the Shanghai Spirit, which embodies mutual trust, equality, mutual benefit, equal rights, mutual consultations, respect for the diversity of cultures, and aspiration for joint development, amid fundamental changes in global affairs, the SCO consistently enhances political, security, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation and acts as one of the most influential participants in the modern system of international relations.
Relying on neighborly relations, friendship and cooperation, mutual respect for the cultural and civilizational diversity and social values of its Member States, on trustful dialogue and constructive partnership, the SCO sets an example of close and fruitful cooperation in building a more equitable and balanced world order based on an equal, cooperative, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security, ensuring the interests of each and every state in accordance with the norms and principles of international law.
The Member States reaffirm their commitment to the goals and objectives stipulated in the SCO Charter and the SCO Development Strategy Towards 2025 by consistently developing the political, security, trade and economic, financial, investment, transport, energy, agricultural and humanitarian cooperation, promoting the construction of international relations of a new type based on mutual respect, justice, equality, mutually beneficial cooperation, and the formation of a common vision of building a community for the shared future of humankind.
The Member States will continue to deepen multifaceted cooperation for peace, stability, development and prosperity in the SCO space. In this regard, they, supporting the efforts of the countries of the Central Asian region to intensify cooperation i