1. 成员国指出,上合组织吸收印度共和国、巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国加入后各领域合作迈上新台阶。成员国将在严格遵循上合组织国际条约和文件基础上,进一步挖掘本组织各项工作潜力。
The Member States note the new quality and dynamics that have emerged in various fields of cooperation since the Republic of India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s accession to the SC0. They intend, based on strict observance of international treaties and SCO documents, to jointly promote the further expansion of the Organisation’s potential in all areas of its activities.
The Member States reaffirm their readiness to increase cooperation with observer states and partners in the SCO dialogue on a mutually beneficial and equitable basis, to enhance the contacts and interaction of the SCO with the UN and its specialised bodies, and with other international and regional organisations.
The Member States are committed to strict compliance with the goals and principles of the UN Charter, primarily the equality and sovereignty of states, non-interference in their internal affairs, mutual respect for territorial integrity, the inviolability of borders, non-aggression, a peaceful settlement of disputes, the non-use of force or threat of force, and other universally recognised norms of international law aimed at the maintenance of peace and security, the development of cooperation among states, the strengthening of independence, the right of nations to determine their future and to choose their political, socioeconomic and cultural path.
The Member States reaffirm their resolve to strictly comply with the provisions of the Treaty on Good-Neighbourly Relations, Friendship and Cooperation between the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (Bishkek, 16 August 2007) aimed at the further development of neighbourly and friendly relations in areas of mutual interest, including to turn mutual borders into borders of lasting peace and friendship.
The Member States reaffirm their resolve to support the efforts of the UN as a universal multilateral organisation to maintain international peace and security, stimulate global development, and promote and protect human rights. They are committed to strengthening the key role of the UN Security Council as the main body responsible under the UN Charter for maintaining international peace and security.
2. 当前国际反洗钱监管形势严峻,各国监管部门对银行业反洗钱和制裁违规的处罚不断加码,违规的有形成本和无形成本越来越高,合规风险对银行业安全运行的威胁快速加大。我们要充分认清形势,增强反洗钱工作敏感性,举一反三,引为镜鉴,在为客户“走出去”提供良好金融服务的同时,必须遵守国内监管法规和国际监管要求,建设世界级的反洗钱合规体系,确保国际化战略有效实施。
Currently, the international AML regulation is stern. Regulatory authorities of countries are raising the penalties for AML and sanction violations