解析:1.Aotearoa (the Maori name for New Zealand.usually translated as “the land of the long white cloud”)一词不常见,其出自毛利语,意为“白云绵绵之地”,引申为新西兰。
2.注意句中stunning一词的用法,其常常表示“极有魅力的;绝妙的;给人以深刻印象的”,如:You look absolutely stunning!你看上去漂亮极了!此外,该词还有“令人惊奇万分的;令人震惊的”之意。
Kiwi是一种非正式的叫法,在这里指新西兰人。Kiwi原指一种新西兰的鸟“几维”(喙长、翼短、无尾、不能飞)。此外,kiwi还指kiwi fruit(猕猴桃)。
3.此句中,was blown away的原形是blow away,该短语常用于被动语态,它有以下几种含义:
1) to kill sb.by shooting them枪杀某人;
2) to impress sb.a lot or to make them very happy给某人留下深刻印象,使某人很高兴;
3) to defeat sb.easily轻易击败某人。
The rapid spread of the global new coronavirus pneumonia did not have much impact on South Asia in the past months, but these days the situation is not very optimistic.
According to the latest report, as of April 5, 2020, 3,082 cases have been confirmed in India and 86 people have died; 2,818 cases have been confirmed in Pakistan and 41 people have died.
South Asia is adjacent to China. Three of the world’s ten top populous countries are in this region. India, Pakistan and Bangladesh together have a population of more than 1.7 billion. Therefore, we pay close attention to the pandemic in South Asian countries. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is the flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative. Many major CPEC projects are under construction. Therefore, we pay special attention to the pandemic situation in this region.
China’s war to fight the pandemic has promoted the rapid development of advanced technology in relevant fields. Among them, Chinese construction companies have used 3D printing technology to quickly print isolation houses, which is a cutting-edge technology, solving the urgent need of doctors and patients.
The main characteristic of 3D printing construction technology is its high speed. A 3D printing machine can print out a 10-square-meter isolation house in two hours. With installation of water, electricity, bathroom and other facilities, an isolation house can be delivered for use within 2-3 days.
We sincerely wish all countries in South Asia would work together, take the most resolute measures to prevent the further spread of the pandemic, and finally defeat this catastrophe that has never happened to mankind in a hundred years.
解析:1.此句中,“中巴经济走廊”“一带一路”均有固定的表达,即:the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)、the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)。对于这些固定表达,甚至是与其相关的背景知识,大家都要注意积累和学习,以免考试或口译时捉襟见肘。譬如,“中巴经济走廊”的初衷是加强中巴之间交通、能源、海洋等领域的交流与合作,加强两国互联互通,促进两国共同发展,该项目于2015年4月20日启动。背景知识的积累是一个日积月累的过程,广泛的背景知识有利于我们对原文的理解和记忆。
2.“燃眉之急”是典型的汉语四字格,转换成英语时,一定要简明扼要。除了参考译文的译法,还可以译为an extreme urgency、crying needs等。
Reached by China and the U.S., the text of a phase-one economic and trade agreement comprises nine chapters: Preamble, Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer, Trade in Food and Agricultural Products, Financial Services, Exchange Rate Transparency, Expand