What is this talk mainly about?
A. Many artists lost faith in the value of art.
B. Many artists were forced to take jobs in other fields.
C. Many artists moved away from large cities.
D. Many artists in the United States moved to other countries.
解析:细节题。原文谈到,“迫于经济危机的压力,许多原先住在大城市里的艺术家纷纷离开,回到乡下小镇”(Well,many artists who had been living in big cities were forced by the economic crisis to leave those big cities and move back to their small towns in rural America.),这与选项C(许多艺术家搬离了大城市)的意思不谋而合。因此,答案为C。而选项A(许多艺术家对艺术的价值丧失了信心)、B(许多艺术家被迫改行)、D(许多美国艺术家搬到了其他国家)均与原文不符。
A. People working in a large factory.
B. People walking on crowded city streets.
C. An everyday activity in a small town.
D. A well-known historical event.
解析:细节题。原文提到,这些艺术家的创作源于小镇或乡村的日常生活(They created things from everyday life in small towns or farming areas.),这与C的意思是一样的。因此,答案为C。而A(在大工厂里上班的人)、B(在拥挤的城市街道上行走的人)、D(著名的历史事件)均与题目的意思不符。
A. Because the paintings sold very well.
B. Because it helped strengthen people’s faith in their country.
C. Because people liked to live in the country at that time.
D. Because it helped recover the economy.
解析:因果关系题。原文提到,这种风格之所以流行,部分是因为当时的经济状况。当时,大萧条让很多人开始怀疑社会。而该流派的画作歌颂的是美国的价值观念,画作中的场景很容易让人们产生共鸣。因此,该运动帮助人们重拾对国家的信心。(And this style became very popular, in part because of the economic conditions of the time.You see,the Depression had caused many Americans to begin to doubt their society.But regionalist artists painted scenes that glorified American values,scenes that many Americans could easily identify with.So the movement helped strengthen people’s faith in their country, faith that had weakened as the result of the Depression.)因此,答案是B。而选项A(他们的画作很畅销)、C(那时,人们喜欢住在乡下)、D(有助于经济复苏)都与主题无关。
A. The populations of small towns increased rapidly.
B. Art critics in cities began to take notice of Regionalism.
C. Some regionalist painters began a new art movement.
D. Society became more internationally focused.
解析:细节题。原文提到,“但是,在20世纪40年代,即第二次世界大战前后,美国社会越来越国际化,于是,以小镇生活为主题的地方主义便不再流行”(But in the 1940s,before and after the Second World War,American society began to take on a much more international spirit,and Regionalism,with its focus on small town life,lost a lot of popularity.),因此,答案为D。选项A(小城镇的人口急剧增长)、B(城里的艺术批评家开始注意到地方主义)、C(一些地方主义画家另辟蹊径)都与原文不符。
According to the passage, how many universities in the United States took part in the study?
A. Because people burn fewer calories when they are awake.
B. Because people feel hungry when they lack sleep.
C. Because their hormones stay unchanged.
D. Because people don’t exercise when they don’t have enough sleep.
解析:因果关系题。原文提到,研究人员说,缺乏睡眠会导致激素变化,因而增加饥饿感(Researchers say a lack of sleep can produce hormonal changes that increase feelings of hunger)。由此可以推断,缺乏睡眠会导致体重增加。因此,答案为B。选项C(因为激素不变)与研究结果恰恰相反,而A(人醒着的时候消耗的能量少)和D(人们睡眠不足就不会锻炼)都违背生活常识。
A. More than 1,000 people took part in the study.
B. People who slept less had higher blood levels of ghrelin.
C. People who slept more had higher blood levels of leptin.
D. The amount of exercise can influence the result of the study.
解析:是非判断题。原文提到,来自斯坦福大学和威斯康星大学的研究人员研究了1000多人的情况(In one study, researchers from Stanford University in Ca