What day is Memorial Day?
A. Decoration Day.
B. Remembrance Day.
C. Observance Day.
D. Mourning Day.
解析:“阵亡将士纪念日”原先叫什么?答案是 A,装饰日。这道题如果没有听仔细的话,很难答对,因为其他三个选项都与“纪念”有关。所以,细节很重要。其实,这里的“装饰”和“室内装潢”不一样,对阵亡将士的墓地进行“装饰”,与中国人的清明扫墓类似。
A. In 1966.
B. In 1776.
C. In 1868.
D. In 1976.
解析:“装饰日”是什么时候成为全国性节日的?答案是 1966 年,因此选A。这里,要再次提醒考生,年份、日期等时间一直都是考查的重点,要格外当心。
A. A way of life.
B. The values they believed in.
C. Their fame.
D. Both A and B.
解析:阵亡将士是为什么而牺牲的?原文说:They died defending a way of life,and values they believed in…也就是(1)为了捍卫一种生活方式(A);(2)为了捍卫自己的信仰(B)。因此,答案是D。
A. To recognize the valiant efforts of the heroic dead.
B. To honor and dignify their offering.
C. To recognize that lives and blood lost in defense of the nation’s freedoms are never given in vain.
D. All of the above.
What is the impact of AI on developing countries?
A. It can save lives.
B. It can identify illnesses in a predictive way.
C. It can detect health issues long before they occur.
D. All of the above.
A. The aggregation of all kinds of data.
B. People might lose jobs.
C. Companies may lose markets.
D. All of the above.
A. 52%.
B. 62%.
C. 42%.
D. 72%.
解析:人工智能导致多少家世界 500 强公司从地球上消失?文章里说 52%,因此,答案是A。
A. The accumulation of wealth.
B. The race for technological dominance.
C. The establishment of more AI companies.
D. The building of an AI army.
解析:对于超级大国来说,下一场革命意味着什么?答案在本篇文章的最后一句:For superpowers the next revolution will be about the race for technological dominance.即对技术主导权的竞争,因此,答案是B。
What day is World Earth Day?
A. To sing the praise of the earth.
B. To make a close study of the earth.
C. To map the surface of the earth.
D. To reflect on the impact humans have on the earth, and to demonstrate and reaffirm our support for environmental protection.
A. A teach-in.
B. A sit-in.
C. A lie-in.
D. A swim-in.
解析:组织者计划将第一个地球日办成一场怎样的活动?原文说:The first Earth Day was planned as a teach-in,a day to inform about environmental issues.也就是说,把它办成一个 teach-in(宣讲会),讲解与环境有关的问题。因此,答案是A。这里要弄清楚teach-in 这个单词的构成。-in 在这里是个后缀,表示“集体活动”或者“有组织的抗议”等。类似的例子有 sit-in(集体静坐示威)、lie-in(集体卧地示威)、swim-in(集体游泳示威)等。
A. Over 20 billion people.
B. Over 12 billion people.
C. Over 20 million people.
D. Over 12 million people.
解析:第一个地球日宣讲会有多少人出席?原文说:His plan worked:over 20 million people turned up for Senator Nelson’s first Earth Day Teach-in on April 22nd,1970.也就是说,他的计划成功了,1970 年 4 月 22日举办的第一个地球日宣讲会就有2000 多万人参加。因此,答案是C。
A. Environmental and Climate Literacy.
B. Environmental Protection.
C. Environmental Education.
D. Environment and Our Lives.
解析:今年地球日的主题是什么?原文说:Because education is th