According to WMO, what is the main cause of the rising temperatures?
A. Heatwaves.
B. Floods.
C. Icebergs.
D. Both A and B.
解析:在世界气象组织总干事的眼里,什么变成了常规事件?原文说:Petteri Taalas,secretary-General of the WMO,says severe heatwaves and floods that used to happen about once every hundred years have become “regular” events.也就是说,原本百年一遇的巨大热浪和滔天洪水如今成了“常态”。因此,答案是D。
A. Wildfires.
B. Tropical cyclones.
C. Typhoon.
D. The lack of predictable rainfall.
解析:未来,什么会给某些国家带来粮食安全问题?原文说:Taalas said that one of the main effects of climate change is the lack of predictable rainfall. This presents a threat to successful harvests and will likely create food security problems in some countries in the future,he said.也就是说,气候变化的主要后果之一是降雨没有规律,无法预测,而这极有可能危及某些国家的粮食安全。因此,答案是D。
A. Climate change.
B. Lack of rainfall.
C. Poor harvests.
D. Floods.
解析:什么是导致近年来世界饥饿问题升级的主要原因?原文说:The report said climate change was a main driver of a recent increase in world hunger after 10 years of decrease.很明显,是气候变化。因此,答案是A。而选项B(缺雨)、C(歉收)和D(洪水)都是气候变化带来的后果,所以,是不对的。
A. Millions of people.
B. Billions of people.
C. Trillions of people.
D. Zillions of people.
解析:这是一道数字题,要求考生对很接近的几个语音具有很强的辨别能力。原文说:This is threatening ocean environments that provide food and jobs for billions of people.因此,答案是B。A(million)是“百万”;B(billion)是“十亿”;C(trillion)是“万亿”;D(zillion)是“极多,庞大的数字,无法计算的数字”。考生一定要记请这几个数字单位的意思,千万不能把它们给弄混了。
What do we know about TB?
A. 18%.
B. 80%.
C. 13%.
D. 30%.
解析:该病在Lacs District 的治疗率是多少?原文说:The treatment rate of tuberculosis was very,very low at 80 percent.也就是很低,只有 80%。因此,答案是B。这里,再次提醒考生,一定要弄清“十几”和“几十”的区别。
A. System Quality Improvement Model.
B. System Improvement Model.
C. Quality Improvement Model.
D. Quality Implementation Model.
解析:该模型的全称是什么?原文说:In 2012 he implemented-what’s called-a System Quality Improvement Model in Lacs.因此,答案是A。这里考查的是笔记的准确性。
A. They have been closed linked.
B. TB easily infects those with weakened immune systems.
C. Treating those infected with the AIDS virus can strengthen their immune systems and in turn make them better able to defend against TB.
D. All of the above.
A. He has recommended that TB and HIV be treated at the same time.
B. He has recommended that the model be applied to the entire country.
C. He has recommended that TB and HIV be treated separately.
D. He has recommended that TB and HIV be treated immediately.
解析:Afanvi 给多哥卫生部的建议是什么?原文说:He(Afanvi)has recommended to Togo’s Ministry of Health that the model be applied to the entire country.也就是说,Afanvi 建议在全国推广他的模型。因此,答案是B。
What is President Trump\’s attitude towards foreign aid?
A. Partial cuts.
B. No cuts at all.
C. Major cuts.
D. Full-scale cuts.
解析:有些专家同意特朗普的观点,但是又反对 across-the-board 停止。问,这个单词是什么意思?其实,即便不看选项,利用逻辑也应该知道,他们反对的是“全面”停止。因此,答案是D。
A. He’s all for it.
B. He’s strongly against it.
C. He couldn’t care less.
D. He’s all for it publicly, yet s