1.A Monitor/TIPP poll last month found that young people and seniors held similar views when asked to______ the importance of US military action to remove Saddam Hussein from power in the next months.(D)
A. advocate
B. foresee
C. supervise
D. gauge
解析:D项“gauge评价”符合题意,如:I tried to gauge how many people were there.(我想估计出那里有多少人。)其他三项“A项advocate提倡,鼓吹;B项foresee预见,预知;C项supervise监督,管理”都不正确。本题空格处是说对美国军事行动的重要性进行评价。因此D项为正确答案。
2.The newspaper reported on the initiative of the organization to establish a private company to professionally______prisoners due to be released from prison.(B)
A. habilitate
B. rehabilitate
C. preclude
D. prelude
3.If all the viruses on the planet were to disappear, a global catastrophe would ______, and the natural ecosystems of the earth would collapse in a spectacular crash under burgeoning populations of insects.(D)
A. varnish
B. disperse
C. contaminate
D. ensue
解析:D项“ensue跟着发生,继起”符合题意。如:A hand grenade exploded by accident and I got lost in the ensuing confusion.(枚手榴弹意外地发生了爆炸,接着是片混乱,使我不知所措。)其他三项“A项varnish修饰,掩饰;B项disperse分散;C项contaminate污染”都不正确。本题空格处是说场全球性的大灾难将会跟着发生。因此D项为正确答案。
4.The solution was simple: gas the building with a hallucinogen and put the terrorists to sleep before they could______the bombs in the building. And it worked.(A)
A. detonate
B. dismantle
C. demolish
D. desert
5.Ms. Rice, with customary class, simply expressed hope that this episode wouldn’t ______the charity in spite of the previous scandals.(A)
A. taint
B. enhance
C. sprain
D. sponsor
解析:本题中,A项“taint使腐败,使污染,弄脏”符合题意,如:Bad books will taint the young mind.(坏书会毒害年轻人的思想。)其他三项“B项enhance提高;C项sprain扭伤;D项sponsor发起,主办”都不正确。因此A项为正确答案。
6.These examples show that openness and the ability to change brings couples a giant step closer to the marital harmony they______.(C)
A. request
B. negotiate
C. crave
D. detest
解析:C项“crave渴望”符合题意,如:crave after sympathy(渴望同情)。其他三项“A项request请求,要求;B项negotiate协商;D项detest厌恶”都不正确。本题空格处是说他们所渴望的和谐融洽的婚姻。因此C项为正确答案。
7.First launched in April this year, . Net MySingapore also includes efforts that ______training, development, and the exploration of new technologies based on.(C)
A. obliterate
B. sequester
C. encompass
D. terminate
解析:本题中,C项“encompass包围”符合题意,如:The course will encompass physics,chemistry and biology.(课程将包括物理、化学和生物学。)其他三项“A项obliterate删除;B项sequester扣压,没收,使隐退;D项terminate终结,结束”都不正确。因此C项为正确答案。
8.Anxiety is believed to______diabetes by raising levels of the stress hormone Cortisol which regulates insulin and blood-sugar levels.(B)
A. impede
B. exacerbate
C. inherit
D. facilitate
解析:B项“exacerbate恶化”符合题意,如:a speech that exacerbated racial tensions(个加剧了种族间紧张的演讲)。其他三项“A项impede阻止;C项inherit继承;D项facilitate帮助,推动”都不正确。本题空格处是说焦虑被认为会使糖尿病恶化。因此B项为正确答案。
9.Last week, the US bishops adopted rules to take priests who______minors out of any ministerial activities.(A)
A. administer
B. generate
C. implicate