1.西安,是中国陕西省的省会,历经了许多朝代的沉浮。它曾断断续续地作为13个朝代的首都达1200多年之久。西安的历史古迹使得游客想起这座城市的昔日辉煌。西安悠久辉煌的历史丰富了中国古代史的发展。进一步推动了中华文明的前进。今天,西安已是全国主要的旅游胜地之一,每年接待海内外旅游者约200万人次。在西安,遍布城内外的历史古迹和自然风景数不胜数,如驰名中外的兵马俑(Terra Cotta Warriors)、明代城墙、乾陵(Qian Mausoleum)等等。
Xi’an, capital of China’s Shaanxi Province, has seen the rise and fall of a great number of dynasties. It served intermittently as the capital of 13 dynasties over 1,200 years. The historic sites in Xi’an remind the visitors of the city’s former glory. The long and glorious history of Xi’an has enriched the development of Chinese ancient history and also further pushed forward the Chinese civilization. Today, XT an is one of the country’s major tourist destinations and receives about 2 million visitors home and abroad annually. There are countless historic sites and natural scenery spread in and around the city, such as the world-famous Terra Cotta Warriors, the City Wall of the Ming Dynasty, the Qian Mausoleum and so on.
2.《舌尖上的中国》(“A Bite of China”)为中国中央电视台播出的重点介绍中国美食的纪录片。观众不仅能欣赏到各种令人垂涎欲滴的食物,而且还能了解到各种菜肴精致的制作过程。该片反映了中华美食的多个方面,以全新的视角展现出食物所带来的仪式、伦理、趣味等方面的文化。观众从中能看到中国特色的食材。另外,他们也可以了解构成中国美食特质的一系列元素。专家认为,该片很好地呈现了中华饮食文化的精致和悠久历史。
Broadcasted on CCTV, \\
3.传统中国家庭中,成年子女与年长父母居住在同一屋檐下。自1974年中国实行独生子女政策(one child policy)以来,中国家庭经历了许多变化。其中一个变化是核心家庭(nuclear family)成为主导。当独生子女因为读大学或结婚,而离开家里时,父母才四五十岁。他们比其他国家育有多个子女的父母更早经历空巢综合症(empty-nest syndrome)。他们忽然感到孤独、悲伤、无用、消沉。所有这些社会、心理和生理上的变化同时发生,使得父母的生活质量下降。生活对于他们来说变得更加有挑战性,更加艰难。
Traditionally in Chinese families, adult children live with their elderly parents under the same roof. Since China implemented the one-child policy in 1974, Chinese families have experienced many changes. One of them is the dominance of the nuclear family in China. When the only child leaves home for university or marriage, the parents are in their forties or fifties. Parents suffer from empty-nest syndrome earlier than those with more children in some other countries. They suddenly feel lonely, sad, useless and depressive. All these social, psychological and physiological changes happen simultaneously, which worsens parents’ living quality. Life becomes more challenging and tough for them.
4.在中国,农历七月初七是人们俗称的“七夕节”(Double Seventh Festival),也有人称之为“中国情人节”。这是中国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日。也是过去的女子最为重视的日子。相传,每年的这个夜晚,是天上牛郎与织女在鹊桥(a bridge of magpies)相会之时。现在,随着西方情人节在国内的流行,七夕节也慢慢引起国内年轻人的重视和兴趣。越来越多的年轻人开始庆祝七夕节,情侣们不仅互送礼物,而且还向天上的牛郎和织女祈祷,祈求自己有一个完美姻缘。
In China, the 7th day of the 7th lunar month is commonly known as \\
5.京剧(Beijing Opera)是中国最具影响力的剧种。它起源于徽剧,后来又吸收了几种古老的地方戏剧,最终形成了现在的京剧。京剧被称作“东方歌剧”,因为它也集歌唱、舞蹈、美术、文学等艺术于一体。京剧中的“生、旦、净、丑 (sheng, dan, jing, chou)”指的是角色分类. 代表角色的性别或者性格色彩。京剧的一个主要特点体现在它的脸谱(facial make-up)上,脸上不同的颜色代表不同角色的性格、形象和命运。京剧已被介绍到全世界,成为传播中国传统文化的重要手段。
Beijing Opera is the most influential drama in China. Originating from Anhui Opera, it has become what it is now after absorbing several ancient local dramas. Regarded as \\