1. 唐三彩(Tang Tri-colored Glazed Pottery)是唐代彩色釉陶器(color-glazed pottery)的总称。它的釉色包括黄、褐、绿、蓝、白、黑等,但以黄、褐、绿为基本釉色,后来人们习惯把这类陶器称为“唐三彩”。唐三彩至今已有1 300多年的历史了。唐三彩的器形多种多样,涉及社会生活的各个方面。包括生活用具、人物和动物、家具、山水和建筑物等。其中做工最精美的是人物俑(figure)和动物俑。
Tang Tri-colored Glazed Pottery, which has a history of more than 1 300 years, is the generic name for color-glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty. Its colors include yellow, brown, green, blue, white, black and so on, but the first three shades are its basic tones, which is the origin of its name. Different types of Tang Tri-colored Glazed Pottery are made to represent all aspects of social life, including articles of daily use, human and animal figures, furniture, miniature landscape and buildings, etc. Among them, the most exquisite ones in workmanship are human and animal figures.
2. 整容通常指脸部整形。一般指通过外科手术改善外貌,借以增强自信。在日本和韩国,整容是一件很平常的事。整容以女性为主,但近年来越来越多的男性也开始接受整容。整形美容是有风险的。再小的手术都会有创伤,有创伤就会有风险。对待整形美容。一定要有一个健康良好的心态。不能痴迷其中,否则最终受到伤害的人将会是自己。
Plastic surgery usually refers to facial changes which improves a person’s appearance via surgical operations so as to enhance self-confidence. In Japan and South Korea, plastic surgery is quite common. Most of those who take plastic surgery are women, but men in increasing numbers begin to accept it in recent years. However, plastic surgery is risky because there will definitely be a trauma which undeniably has potential dangers however small the operation is. Therefore, a healthy and good mindset is necessary when facing plastic surgery. You cannot be addicted to it, otherwise, it will be yourself to be harmed eventually.
3. 世界顶尖化妆品公司的产品遍布中国的大城市。中国化妆品消费的份额在全世界排第8位,在亚洲排第2位,仅次于日本。在中国,年轻的女白领是化妆品最好的客户。这个受过高等教育且有着丰厚收入的群体对于美和优雅有着独特的理解。据统计,在上海,中层女白领的购买份额占化妆品销售额的80%。
China’s large cities are stuffed with products of the world’s top cosmetics makers. China is the world’s eighth largest consumer of cosmetics and the second largest in Asia, second only to Japan. Young female white collars are the best consumers of cosmetics in China. With higher education, this high-earning group has unique notions of beauty and grace. According to statistics, in Shanghai, the purchase shares of middle-class female white collars account for 80% of cosmetics sales.
4. 上海浦东地处中国海岸线中点、长江入海口,紧靠繁华的上海市区,背倚物阜民丰的长江三角洲(the Yangtze River Delta)。面对太平洋及东南亚的发达国家和地区,有着得天独厚的地理优势。长期以来,由于黄浦江的阻隔,浦东一直是阡陌纵横(crisscrossing fields)的乡村,在经济建设、基础设施、文化娱乐各个方面都落后于一江之隔的浦西地区,影响了上海的整体发展。中央政府开发浦东的决策将上海推向了中国改革开放的前沿,使浦东走上了快速发展的道路。
Pudong, a district of Shanghai, lies at the mid-point of China’s coastline, where the Yangtze River empties into the sea. It is adjacent to the prosperous downtown area of Shanghai and backed by the rich and populous Yangtze River Delta. Facing the Pacific Ocean and the developed countries and regions of Southeast Asia, it boasts an ideal geographical location. For a long time, due to the separation of the Huangpu River, Pudong remained a countryside with crisscrossing fields everywhere. It lagged behind Puxi area on the other bank in terms of economic construction, infrastructure and cultural entertainment, which hampered the development of Shanghai as a whole. The decision made by the central government to develop Pudong brought Shanghai to the forefront o