1. 登山(mountaineering)是指在特定要求下,运动员徒手或使用专门装备,从低海拔地形向高海拔山峰进行攀登的一项体育活动。与其他运动项目不同,登山运动的竞技性不是表现为运动员之间的比赛和对抗。而是表现为运动员与自然环境的抗争。是人的生命力(vitality)的体现。经常参加登山野营活动对人体有很多好处,如消耗体内多余的脂肪、延缓人体衰老等。
Mountaineering is a sport in which the sportsmen, under specific requirements, climb from low altitude areas to high altitude peaks with the help of specialized equipment or bare-handed. Different from other sport events, the competitiveness of mountaineering lies not in the competition and combat among athletes but the athletes’ contend against nature, which is a symbol of human vitality. It is of many benefits for people to participate in mountain climbing and camping frequently, such as the consumption of superfluous fat in the body and the delay of human body aging.
2. 传统中国绘画是一门独特的艺术,无论是风格还是技巧都与世界其他艺术门类迥然不同。中国画的一个显著特点是强调绘画的宣传教育功能。早在两千多年前,人物画就被政府机构广泛用作宣传工作。唐代的士大夫(officials)甚至试图把绘画创作纳入儒家的思想体系中。到了宋代,政府专门出版了官方画谱,不但对人物画的功能提出要求,对山水画也是如此。
Traditional Chinese paintings constitute a unique school of fine art which is vastly different from any other fine art school in style and technique in the world. Stressing the educational function is a remarkable feature of Chinese paintings. Figure paintings were used for propaganda by government agencies as early as over 2 000 years ago. Officials of the Tang Dynasty even tried to bring paintings into the Confucian ideology. The Court of the Song Dynasty published an official guide to paintings which set criteria not only for figure paintings but also for landscape paintings.
3. 自20世纪70年代末推行改革开放以来,中国经济持续增长,综合国力不断增强,中国人民的生活不断改善。2004年,世界经济实现了近30年以来的最快增长,亚太地区经济增长也创造了2000年以来的最高水平。中国经济增长了9.4%。事实已经证明。中国经济的发展,不仅造福了中国人民。也为世界各国提供了更多的投资机会和更广阔的市场。
Since the implementation of the reform and opening-up in late 1970s, China has enjoyed sustained development in economy, leading to greater comprehensive national power and a better life of Chinese people. In 2004, the global economy got the rapidest development in the late three decades. Besides, the economic development of Asia-Pacific area has also created the highest level since 2000, of which Chinese economy increased by 9.4%. It’s proved that the development of Chinese economy not only brings benefits to Chinese people, but also provides more chances of investment and a wider market for other countries.
4. 上海菜系(cuisine)是中国最年轻的地方菜系,有着400多年的历史。同其他中国菜系一样,本菜系具有“色、香(aroma)、味”三大要素。上海菜尤其注重调料(seasoning)的使用、食材的品质和菜的原汁原味。最著名的有特色点心“南翔小笼包”(Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings)和特色“松鼠桂鱼”(squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish)。“南翔小笼包”是猪肉馅,皮薄个小,汁醇味美。“松鼠桂鱼”色泽黄亮,形如松鼠,外皮脆而里肉嫩,汤汁酸甜适口。
With a history of more than 400 years, Shanghai cuisine is the youngest among the major regional styles of cooking in China. Like other Chinese regional cuisine, it takes \\
5. 泼水节是傣族人最重要的节日,一般是在傣历六月或七月的某一天举行(大约是汉族清明节后的十天左右)。泼水节标志着傣族新年的开始。他们相互泼水,通过泼水传递问候。泼水节当晚,每一个村寨都会组织聚会来唱歌和跳舞。在竹笛、芦笙(一种风管乐器)、链锣和象脚鼓(一种置于基座上的形状像象脚的鼓)的伴奏下,人们跳起当地的孔雀舞。
As the most important festival of the Dai people in China, the Water Splashing Festival generally falls on a day in June or July in the Dai calendar {about ten days after the Han People’s Qingming Festival). It marks the beginning of the New Year to the Dai people. They splash wa